Chapter 413
As if hearing something terrible, Yu Yuanyuan immediately clenched her claws together and slowly retracted them.

She frowned, staring at the green piece: "For cloth chicken, Yuanyuan...does Yuanyuan get tired of pain?"

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore," Mo Yunqing smiled and held the round little palm, "Dad hasn't hit us for a long time, it was a long time ago."

The house is quiet.

Even a tough guy like Uncle Yang felt his heart tremble.

It was hit a long time ago and the mark is still there, so how hard it should be!

No one spoke, so that the atmosphere in the villa became heavy.

Uncle Yang and Aunt Chen had heard about the twins' activities in the villa area. Many people complained that the two children were naughty, always making trouble and like to bully the small animals in the house.

But after hearing what they said today, everyone became very conflicted.

Some children always do wrong things, not necessarily because they are inherently evil.

The teaching of family members may be a bigger problem.

"Why is he so bad!" Yu Yuanyuan took a deep breath, and put her hands on her hips angrily, "How can he hit someone, it's too much!"

That earnest and angry little appearance made everyone squint their eyes involuntarily, laughing like a little fool.

"Although...although they are adults, but...but..." The little cub, who was so angry that he couldn't speak well, suddenly stretched out his paws and patted Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan, "If next time Mo Susu will If you hit someone, you tell Yuanyuan, and Yuanyuan will decide for you."

The moment the fleshy little hands patted on the head, a strange feeling that could not be grasped and grasped spread from the top of the head to the blood, making them feel light and relaxed.

"It's amazing. You're a little bean, and you still help others to make decisions? Can you make decisions at home?" Yu Jinxiao's ruthless questioning poured down like cold water.

Yu Yuanyuan felt her head buzzing, shrunk her neck guiltily, and lowered her head to look at her toes to ease the embarrassment.

Seems like yeah.

She is such a small ball, not even as tall as Uncle Mo's waist, so she can't be restrained.

But as bold as Yu Zaizai, in order to comfort the twins, she poked her neck and said, "At least Yuanyuan knows what's right and what's wrong, hehe."

Yu Jinxiao suddenly felt that this little girl was still meddling.

At first he thought it was the twins clinging to the little glutinous rice balls, but now it seems that Yu Zaizai is not so passive, he also had a good time downstairs just now.

But when he thought about it carefully, Yu Jinxiao realized... There is no one Yu Yuanyuan can't get along with!
To help the twins deal with their wounds, Uncle Yang took them home with Yu Yuanyuan and explained the situation to the servant.

When Xiao Zai Zai came back from a busy night, he was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes open.

The small body seemed to be floating, swaying, and the round eyes were narrowed into slits, but they still found Yu Jinxiao in the study without any mistakes.

"Puba~~~" The coquettish little milk voice, accompanied by a light force, leaned against Yu Jinxiao's waist.

Xiao Zai Zai grabbed his clothes and leaned his head on him, his small movements were full of dependence on him.

"What?" Yu Jinxiao turned his body sideways, holding the phone in one hand, while the other arm went around behind and patted the small body.

Yu Yuanyuan's furry head arched twice again, and her little claws hugged him firmly: "~~ Daddy is so kind~"

Yu Jinxiao, who was rarely praised by Xiao Tangyuan, was taken aback for a moment, stopped his movements and turned to look at her curiously: "What mistake did you make again?"

(End of this chapter)

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