The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 415 I was so scared that I had nightmares at night

Chapter 415 I was so scared that I had nightmares at night

Yu Jinxiao originally thought that Xiao Zai Zai dreamed that Mo Yanrui beat the twins, and she was interceding for them.

Good guy, she actually dreamed that Mo Yanrui was beating herself!
"Ahhh, dad, help, Mo Susu is going to kill Yuanyuan!" A pitiful cry sounded, accompanied by twitching of hands and feet, as if she was running desperately in a dream.

It seems that Mo Yanrui is no longer a fierce and violent uncle in Yu Zaizai's heart, but a terrible nightmare deeply rooted in his consciousness.

Yu Jinxiao stood by the bed and listened for a while. He called for help related to Mo Yanrui no less than ten times, and "Mo Susu" became the most terrifying monster in Xiao Zai Zai's heart.

After humming and chirping for almost an hour, Yu Yuanyuan's frown was finally relaxed, and she slept a lot more smoothly, and she didn't say any more weird words.

Waking up the next day, Yu Jinxiao asked about what happened last night, but Xiao Tangyuan had no memory at all, and looked at him with a confused face.

Well, as long as she doesn't remember.

After sending Yu Yuanyuan to the kindergarten, as soon as Yu Jinxiao entered the company, someone was already waiting in the office, and the secretary was preparing tea for him.

The man was dressed in a straight suit and sat casually. When he heard someone entering the room, he immediately turned around and greeted Yu Jinxiao with a smile.

But that face made Yu Jinxiao's brows twitch, and suddenly he remembered something, and his face became not very good.

Mo Yanrui, who didn't understand what happened at all, took the initiative to talk to him politely, and motioned his secretary to hand over a document to Yu Jinxiao.

I came here today to discuss the next second phase of the project development plan.

But I don't know if it's because I'm sensitive or something is wrong, when Mo Yanrui talked about the plan in the document, he always felt that Yu Jinxiao looked at him a bit strangely.

Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied...

The emotion in that look seemed to have nothing to do with the plan, but a reason he didn't know.

Mo Yanrui noticed something, and shrewdly pushed his secretary away, moved his chair, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Yu, is there... a problem?"

I never thought about keeping my eyes closed, and Yu Jinxiao also replied unceremoniously: "Are you always beating your two sons?"

Probably did not expect the topic to suddenly jump here, Mo Yanrui was taken aback: "Huh?"

"Your sons came to play with Yuanyuan last night, and I saw that they were injured." Yu Jinxiao's tone was very calm, and he couldn't tell if he wanted to care about this matter, or just said it casually.

Mo Yanrui stared blankly at the opposite side of the desk, and he hesitated for a long time before explaining with a smile: "You brat, you are always skinny, you can't teach well without beating them, these two kids are too much to worry about, they always get into trouble. "

"Really? But I think they are quite normal when they are with Yuanyuan," Yu Jinxiao observed Mo Yanrui's reaction calmly, "Yuanyuan almost fell down last night, and one of them... was protecting Yuanyuan." , I accidentally broke the skin on my hand."

"Really...really?" Mo Yanrui raised his head in disbelief, as if he didn't believe that the twins would do such a good thing.

Suddenly, Yu Jinxiao saw a kind of relief in his eyes.

What are you happy about!

"Teaching children takes a lot of energy, just beating is useless, and it's easy to leave a psychological shadow," Yu Jinxiao finally paved the way for the ultimate goal after wandering around for a long time, "Now Yuanyuan often plays with them, It wouldn't be nice to see them always getting hurt."

"That's it..." Mo Yanrui was blank in teaching children, and always dealt with it according to his own mood.

If you do something wrong, you will be beaten and scolded, but if you do something right, you should.

Even he himself doesn't know how to teach or is it right.

"Yu Yuanyuan saw the injuries on their bodies last night, and she was so scared that she had nightmares at night." Yu Jinxiao's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "I kept talking in my sleep, saying that you beat her in my dream."

Mo Yanrui's heart was hit hard and almost shattered: "!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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