The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 417 Mind Teaching Is Not Advisable

Chapter 417 Mind Teaching Is Not Advisable
"Ah?" Yu Yuanyuan looked at Gu Beiyan suspiciously, "Are you looking for brother Shen Ji to tutor you?"

"Or...Yuanyuan, you can give me a tutorial." Gu Beiyan thought about it carefully, and felt that seeking Shen Ji was a bad idea, "For example, the arithmetic in class, you tell me how you did it."

"Okay, then you have to listen carefully." Yu Yuanyuan imitated Shen Ji's elder brother, with a good look, holding a pen to write and draw on the paper.

Curious about what Yu Zaizai would say, Chu Qi and Wen Zifei also quietly eavesdropped.

"That's it," Xiao Naiyin said confidently, "Then the sauce is purple, and then it's spicy, and it's out!"

Gu Beiyan who didn't understand what was going on at all: "What?"

"Didn't you understand?" Yu Yuanyuan actually learned to sigh in disappointment, "If you don't listen carefully, you won't learn."

Chu Qi: "..."

As far as this teaching method is concerned, I am afraid that no one can learn it well. Mind teaching is not advisable.

Gu Beiyan was aggrieved and defended himself: "I listened carefully, but... Yuanyuan, you didn't seem to say anything."

"Yes, listen, chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp." Yu Yuanyuan said a bunch of gibberish explanations to himself.

In the end, even Chu Qi and Wen Zifei, who were already good at arithmetic, couldn't help doubting themselves.

What kind of teaching is this?
If he continues to learn, Gu Beiyan is afraid that he will forget what he originally knew.

"Yu Yuanyuan..." Wen Zi couldn't bear it anymore, and stopped her self-confidence, "It's useless if you talk about it, no one can understand it."

Yu Zaizai, who thought he was good at knocking down the level, was discouraged, like a balloon that flew to the corner after leaking air in mid-air, and sat weakly on the chair: "Yuanyuan is not as tired as brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan can't." Teach people."

Thankfully, you'll be fine if you learn it yourself.

"How about... Yuanyuan... You let that Shen Ji teach me a little bit, and I won't bother him when I learn it." Gu Beiyan lowered his face, he wanted to learn arithmetic more than save face, so that he wouldn't be scared every day in class. I was caught by the teacher to do the questions on the podium.

Why do they have to bear so much at such a young age!
Yu Yuanyuan didn't speak, but hesitated for a long time, and glanced at Chu Qi and Wen Zifei with her small eyes: " Qiqi and Xiao Mozi want to study together too?"

"I don't want it, I..." Just as Wen Zifei was about to refuse, Chu Qi kicked him hard from behind, kicking his words back into his stomach.

Chu Qi could see that Xiao Zai Zai's eyes were full of anticipation, and she calmly held Gu Beiyan and Wen Zifei: "As long as that Shen Ji agrees, we can study together."

Wen Zifei: "!!!"

"Then...Yuanyuan calls and asks Shen Ji's brother first." Shen Ji's ability is recognized by everyone, Xiao Zaizai is very proud of him, although others don't know what she is proud of.

Lifting up the sleeves, revealing a pink phone watch, Yu Yuanyuan poked it several times deftly, and dialed a number.

The phone symbol on the display screen swayed left and right for a long time, and suddenly there was a "click".

Xiao Zaizai thought the call was connected, and quickly said softly: "Brother Shen Ji~~ Yuanyuan has something to discuss with you~~"

"Hi, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later."

Xiao Zaizai, who had never encountered such a situation before, was stunned on the spot, and raised his head to look at the little friend beside him: "What... is it talking about? Why isn't it the voice of brother Shen Ji?"

Wen Zifei glanced at the phone watch: "This prompt means that the signal over there is not good, or there is no one answering."

No one picks up?
But every time I make a call, brother Shen Ji will get through soon!

(End of this chapter)

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