The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 426 Don't Think You Can Do Whatever You Want Because You Are Rich and Powerful

Chapter 426 Don't Think You Can Do Whatever You Want Because You Are Rich and Powerful
Someone in the crowd quietly searched for "Yu Jinxiao" on their mobile phones from behind, the room was completely silent, as if they were trying to determine whether the person in front of them was a fake or the real one.

However, Shen Ji's surname is Shen, and Yu Jinxiao's surname is Yu, how did they get involved?
Could it be a relative?
Even the director of the Academic Affairs Office was at a loss.

In the information registered at the beginning, Shen Ji's guardian is a man named Xu Guangchen, who is related to his uncle.

In addition, his family has only one aunt, one brother and one sister.

What kind of relationship does this have with Yu Jinxiao? ? ?
"It's really him!!" Someone among the parents held up their mobile phone to signal desperately, their faces turned pale with fright, "What's going on? This..."

Now it is almost certain that the tall man with extraordinary aura in front of him is Yu Jinxiao.

The dean of the Academic Affairs Office was about to break out in a cold sweat, and immediately said with a smile: "Mr. Yu is here, I don't know... what is the relationship between Mr. Yu and Shen Ji? We first contacted his guardian to deal with this matter."

"If his guardian doesn't come, it's the same if I come." Yu Jinxiao's height advantage allows him to look down at everyone in the room with his eyes. "What relationship between us determines whether you want to wrong him?"

"No, no, of course not." The director of the Academic Affairs Office quickly waved his hand.

"Soon, the evidence will arrive." Yu Jinxiao sat down on the sofa next to him, and the others quickly dispersed, as if the air around him was full of thorns, making people afraid to approach.

The little milk bag who had been accompanying the boy in the corner ran forward, and threw herself on Yu Jinxiao's knee with a huff: "Baba, when will you be able to make money?"

"You can leave when Uncle Gao comes." Yu Jinxiao patted the little guy's head with one hand, only keeping tenderness for her in his cold eyes.

The people in the room didn't dare to show their anger, knowing that they had provoked someone, and they were afraid of making too many mistakes.

Not long after, Gao Zhou showed up at the Academic Affairs Office with a bunch of things, and he handed one of the papers to Yu Jinxiao: "This is it."

Yu Jinxiao looked down, and put the paper up in front of the director of the Academic Affairs Office: "This is the invoice for Shen Ji to buy a mobile phone at the mobile phone store, with Shen Ji's signature on it."

"Who knows if it's fake!" Mushroom Head's son retorted unwillingly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was pulled severely by the mushroom head, with warning eyes.

"Oh, isn't this parent a lawyer?" Yu Jinxiao patted the things on the table, motioning for him to come over and see in person, "You can check it out, if there is any problem, or you can find other evidence yourself."

The parents of the lawyer who came to the front were all cold, as if someone had put a knife on their necks.

He lowered his head and checked carefully, and said, "The invoice should be fine."

In the final analysis, his son took the initiative to participate in the fight, and there is no chance of winning if he really wants to file a lawsuit. The opponent is still Yu Jinxiao!
"Since there is no problem, let's talk about the specific solution..." As soon as Yu Jinxiao opened his mouth, the parents in the group deliberately turned on the phone and started recording, as if they were afraid that he would use his power to overwhelm others.

"There must be justice in this matter, my son can't lie!" Mushroom head held up his mobile phone and pointed at Yu Jinxiao to take a picture, "Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you are rich and powerful."

"Very well, let's take a picture of it. I don't have any loss if this incident gets bigger." Yu Jinxiao looked indifferently at Mushroom Head, who was still dying, as if he was looking at a fish that was about to die of dehydration. "This matter Just go through the normal legal process, I just hope that some people will not cry poorly, I will not soften my heart."

At this time, Mushroom Head's son secretly teased his father and whispered, "Dad, forget it."

(End of this chapter)

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