The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 43 It's a Praise

Chapter 43 It's a Praise
It's okay if you don't talk about it, but once you talk about it... Yu Mingxi really looks like the color.

Yellow, pink, and white.

If you grab someone with high myopia and put it in front of Yu Yuanyuan, you will definitely say that she looks like a piece of bacon walking.

"It's okay, it's a compliment to look delicious." Yu Jinxiao said solemnly.

He couldn't think of any words to erase this sense of déjà vu.

Although Yu Yuanyuan looked like Bacon, the publicity that came out of the "collision" was actually weakened by her own "obedience", and she seemed very well-behaved.

Aunt Chen matched her another hairstyle, which is a cute ball head.

The round "balls" that are as round as Yuanyuan are one on each side, coupled with the invincible and cute appearance, this seemingly hopeless clothes actually came back to life.

To be honest, before Aunt Chen put it on for Yu Yuanyuan, she was also worried that she would be disgusted by the children if she looked ugly.

After all, Mr. Yu almost never handles these trivial matters in life himself.

"Baba is right," Yu Yuanyuan nodded earnestly, "It's also a compliment to look delicious, and Yuanyuan will only eat things that look delicious!"

Yu Jinxiao: Plan to pass√
After successfully bluffing Xiao Zai Zai, Yu Jinxiao entered the second stage of worry.

Yu Yingze's interest get out of class will end soon.

After a day of school, it was a bit sudden to have a younger sister in the family.

But the situation at that time had no other steps to go down, and I had to take responsibility for the things I did when my mind was hot.

What's more, this little cub doesn't look like a troublesome spirit.

Yu Yingze is different from Yu Mingxi who is not in good health. He likes sports, and two days a week he attends football training classes after class.

Counting the time, it's almost time to go home.

Yu Mingxi welcomes Yuanyuan to join the family, but Yu Yingze does not necessarily.

Thinking of Yu Yingze's reaction when he first saw Yu Yuanyuan last night, Yu Jinxiao's head started to hurt.

He has talked about so many businesses, and he has never been so distressed as he is now.

Hey, it's much easier to talk about a small business worth billions.

"Wow, Dad, you came home so early today!" Yu Yingze exclaimed in surprise as soon as he entered the door.

He hadn't seen Dad until after dark for a month.

"Yingze, come here, let's talk about a topic between men." Yu Jinxiao has been brewing for a long time, but still feels that the matter is not sure.

Yu Yingze was so scared that his smile disappeared, and he couldn't help but be serious: "What's the matter?"

"I adopted Yuanyuan today."


Still quiet.

For a moment, Yu Jinxiao wondered if Yu Yingze had heard his words.

"Didn't you say she's not your illegitimate daughter!!" Yu Yingze bit her lip, her hands clenched into fists and trembling slightly, "You lied, you've been lying!"

"Yuanyuan is not an illegitimate daughter, I adopted her, adopted her."

"What's the difference?" Yu Yingze, who could no longer hold back his emotions, cried loudly, "I don't want other sisters, I don't want them!! I just want my former sister to come back, I don't want other sisters!!!"

"Yingze..." Yu Jinxiao was recalled by the rejection with crying.

More than anyone else, he hopes that his little daughter can come back, but...

Something happened and it happened, and no one can change the past.

Those who disappear into memory will never come back.

"I know it's hard for you to accept it for a while, but you trust Dad, Yuanyuan is really not here to replace my sister."

"I! No! Yes! Believe! Believe! You!"

Amid heartbroken cries, Yu Yingze rushed upstairs carrying his schoolbag, just in time to bump into Yu Yuanyuan who came out of the room.

"Second brother!" Yu Yuanyuan who didn't know anything happily spread out her arms, wanting to hug him.

Yu Yingze's eyes were red, seeing her come out of that room, he was greatly stimulated.

Before she even touched the corner of her clothes, Yu Yuanyuan was frightened and froze in place by a roar: "Don't touch me!"

(End of this chapter)

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