Chapter 432 Super God
Yu Jinxiao tilted his head, and just stared at Xiao Zai Zai with a firm gaze that refused to give in and answered.

Yu Yuanyuan, who already knew how to read the air, realized something was wrong, this question is a proposition!
Looking at her father who was unwillingly waiting for an answer, Yu Yuanyuan sat on the bed, pulled the quilt twice with both hands, hinting her intention to sleep.

However, Dad didn't even move his buttocks, just sitting on the quilt.

"Father is the most handsome!" At a young age, Yu Yuanyuan had to learn to play with the wind, "Dad is the most handsome!"

"Well, go to sleep." Finally hearing a satisfactory answer, Yu Jinxiao covered Xiao Zai Zai with a quilt and exited the room, "Don't hit the quilt."


When Dad closed the door, Yu Yuanyuan, who was already lying down like a silkworm baby, looked left and right, and grinned furtively.

"Father is the most handsome, brother Shen Ji is the prettiest!"

Well, there is no conflict, everyone is happy with the title of "most" given to each person.

Fortunately, Yu Jinxiao didn't hear the last patch made by Xiao Zai Zai, otherwise the old father would have suffered a great blow to his heart.

The child's sleep is like the rain in June, it comes as soon as it is said, Yu Yuanyuan just closed his eyes in satisfaction, and fell into a dream the next second.

Even though something minor happened the night before, for the little one with a bad memory, everything will be forgotten.

When she went to the kindergarten and saw Gu Beiyan, Chu Qi, and Wen Zifei again, Yu Yuanyuan thought in a daze that she seemed to have forgotten something.

But... what did you forget?
I can't remember it!

"Yuanyuan, did you ask that... Shen Ji yesterday?" Gu Beiyan grabbed Xiao Zai Zai in horror as soon as he arrived and asked, "Is he willing to give us tutoring?"

When he was queuing in the queue just now, he heard the arithmetic teacher chatting with other teachers, saying that the next class would come up with a new set of questions for several children to write the answers together.

Gu Beiyan, who was young but vaguely realized that he had a lot of room for improvement, suddenly panicked. The only person who could save him was that Shen Ji whom he didn't want to see.

Someone who can even teach Yu Yuanyuan must be a super god! ! !
"Oh, yes," Xiao Zaizai suddenly realized, and then remembered what he forgot, "Brother Shen Ji promised!"

"That's great, then I'll go to your house after school today?" Gu Beiyan suggested excitedly.

He hasn't been to Yuanyuan's house yet, will the room be pink?
"Yes, yes, but..." Yu Yuanyuan grabbed her schoolbag, deliberately whetting her appetite, "But Brother Shen Ji's tutoring is very hard, so there should be a reward, that's what Ba Ba said."

Usually: I can't remember anything my father said.

Today: Dad's words are always in my heart.

Summary: Distressed, brother Shen Ji can't work hard in vain.

Gu Beiyan scratched his head and asked, "Then I'll give him the pocket money as tuition fee, is that okay?"

Chu Qi and Wen Zifei who were listening to the conversation secretly exchanged glances.

Did they stray into some underground trading scene?

"No way." Unexpectedly, Yu Yuanyuan shook his head seriously and refused, "Tangtang, food, strawberry milk and so on should be given to brother Shen Ji!"

Gu Beiyan didn't think there was any problem: "Okay, I have a lot of pocket money, I can buy them all!"

It's all right? ? ?
Chu Qi and Wen Zifei were dumbfounded!

How could it be that Shen Ji wanted to eat it, it was clearly Yu Yuanyuan who made the difference from the middleman and wanted to eat it herself!

Gu Beiyan still thinks there is nothing wrong with his head? !

What else do you need to study, let's just wash and sleep with this IQ.

"Okay, let's go to my house to play with Kiki and Mosquito today~~" The two who were watching the play were suddenly caught by Yu Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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