The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 445 It's called Tuo Tuo

Chapter 445 It's called Tuo Tuo
Among a large group of young friends of similar age, Shen Ji's appearance undoubtedly attracts attention.

Everyone was looking at this beautiful brother curiously, only a small piece of glutinous rice cake rushed towards him.

"Brother Shen Ji!" Yu Yuanyuan spread out her arms, and the soles of her shoes made a series of cute thumping sounds on the carpet.

Shen Ji picked her up with one hand, found Gu Beiyan among a group of children without any mistakes, and handed over the things in his hand.

All the gifts are piled up in the gift area, and it's not time to unwrap them yet.

Gu Beiyan was wearing a handsome little suit today, full of energy. After receiving Shen Ji's gift, he seriously placed it next to Yu Yuanyuan's gift.

The gifts of the two of them are clearly in the C position.

"Beiyan~~ Is Qiqi here?" Yu Yuanyuan asked as soon as she saw Gu Beiyan, waving her claws.

Gu Beiyan curled his lips and replied, "She said she wasn't free, hmph, it's fine if you don't come."

"Is that so..." Yu Zaizai was a little lost.

"Shen Ji, Yuanyuan, you guys are too late, I'll show you around!" For the first time friends, Gu Beiyan immediately regained his energy and happily took the lead to invite them to visit his home.

It is bigger and more grand than the Yu family, but it lacks a warm feeling.

Gu Beiyan's bedroom is in the quietest corner of the first floor.

I heard that their servants all live in a separate small building behind the house, and they rely on the video call system for everything.

"Wow, Beiyan, your house is so big!" Yu Yuanyuan took Shen Ji by the hand, and followed behind, looking up, down, left, and right, and saw that her neck started to hurt, "If Yuanyuan lived here, she would definitely Lost."

Walking in this castle-like villa, Shen Ji seemed to understand why Yu Jinxiao didn't move to an independent manor.

The neighborhood is deserted and deserted. Apart from the Gu family, there is only a second local tyrant living several kilometers away.

You have to rely on a car to get in and out, and there are many facilities for children to play in the yard, but if Gu Beiyan is the only one at home, it will be quite boring to play.

"Yuanyuan, this is my room," Gu Beiyan seemed to want to show off some special treasure, and waited until Yu Yuanyuan's attention was on the door before slowly opening it, "Dangdangdangdang!"

Successfully copying Yu Yuanyuan's tone of showing everyone around Yu's house before, Gu Beiyan stood at the door, waiting to be praised with a proud face.

"Wow, wow!" After exclaiming twice in a row, Yu Yuanyuan fell silent.

Gu Beiyan greeted the praise with his eyes closed and opened his eyes in doubt: "Ah? Yuanyuan, don't you have anything else to say?"

The little boy who doesn't even know the words, with his poor vocabulary, has difficulty expressing: "It's so big! It's so beautiful! It's so boring!"

"Does Yuanyuan think this color looks good?"


"Is the picture on the wall cool?"


Shen Ji listened silently at the side, suspecting that Yu Yuanyuan was actually a repeater.

"By the way, Yuanyuan, I want to introduce a very good friend of mine to you." Gu Beiyan pointed to the inside of the room and rubbed his hands excitedly, "Just like your big flower, then Such a good friend!"

"Wow, okay, okay." Xiao Zaizai was very happy, looking around with his head up and down, trying to see something.


I didn't see any other people or animals.

Gu Beiyan walked to the desk, lifted a beautiful transparent cage, and handed it to Yu Yuanyuan: "Look, it's called Tuotuo."

"Huh?" Yu Yuanyuan knew that such a small cage would definitely not be able to accommodate people, so she moved her head towards the cage curiously, "Is it Bei Yan's little cutie?"

"Yes, yes, it's really super cute, and I have to play with it for a long time every day!" Gu Beiyan was afraid that the little boy might not see it clearly, so he pointed to the corner of the cage, "Look, it's there."

Following the direction of Gu Beiyan's finger, Yu Yuanyuan saw a chubby little hamster in milk tea color.

The small eyes hula focused on her, and the mouse and the other people stopped moving immediately.

"Ah!!! Mouse!!!" The little cub who was frightened out of the shadow by the mouse let out a scream.

(End of this chapter)

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