The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 45 You are a master chef at such a young age, so you can throw the pot!

Chapter 45 You are a master chef at such a young age, so you can throw the pot!
No matter how bad Yu Jinxiao is, it's impossible for him to throw the pot to this little glutinous rice ball.

"No one in this world can make everyone like themselves."

"Don't be sad, Baba, Yuanyuan will go and apologize to brother in a while." The little Naibao staggered up with small steps, her little hands grabbed his trouser legs, and swayed lightly without any strength.

The eyes as black as shining stones are like a mirror, making Yu Jinxiao unable to escape to see himself clearly.

This feeling of being peeled off layer by layer does not make him feel uncomfortable.

Bringing Yuanyuan home was impulsive, but not entirely impulsive.

He wants to try to fight against the pain caused by the memories, and make changes for himself and this family.

"You didn't do anything wrong, you don't need to apologize, leave this matter to me." Yu Jinxiao patted her on the head seriously, no matter whether Xiao Zai Zai could understand or not, he had to let her understand that she should understand this matter. correct.

in the room.

Yu Mingxi wiped Yu Yingze's face clean with warm water, and carefully tidied up his messy hair when he was playing football.

Ever since he was a child, the existence of his brother has been the greatest peace of mind for Yu Yingze.

No matter what happens, he will tell his brother, and only his brother.

Dad is often not at home, and it is difficult to say a word to him. Only my brother will always patiently listen to his various nonsense and small complaints.

Yu Yingze is not heartless, he knows very well that his brother cannot be excited, so he never does willful things to make his brother sad.

Even though he likes sports and football, he never forces his brother to accompany him, for fear that his body will not be able to bear it.

But there are things...he also has his own principles.

"Can Yingze tell brother why you don't want Yuanyuan to come to our house?" Yu Mingxi hugged him into his arms and sat down, gently stroking his brother's short hair with his chin.

Yu Yingze was silent for a long time.

He was thinking about this question - why he didn't want Yu Yuanyuan to come to their house.

It seems that since the first time he saw her yesterday, Yu Yingze hadn't thought about this issue carefully.

Now that he calmed down, he used his limited brain to think for a long time, and finally found the standard answer: "I don't want Yu Yuanyuan to replace my sister. With Yu Yuanyuan, Dad will forget about my sister in the future."

"Yingze, none of us will forget our sister," Yu Mingxi smiled, but the smile was bitter that didn't match his age, "but my sister is gone, it's a sad thing for everyone, you hope that brother and Does Dad feel sad every day because of this?"

Yu Yingze shook his head without much hesitation this time: "I don't want to."

"Dad never let anyone enter the room prepared for my sister, even us, but he would open the door from time to time and watch quietly for a long time."

"Actually, Dad never forgot my sister, and he was also very sad, but he just pretended to be nonchalant because he didn't want us to be sad."

The adult world is always good at disguising.

Be it good or bad.

"Although my elder brother is not a roundworm in my father's stomach," Yu Mingxi hugged Yingze and shook gently, "but my elder brother felt that my father did not bring Yuanyuan home because he wanted to forget my sister. On the contrary, my father was trying to get out of his unhappy mood."

"But... But, I just don't like her very much."

I don't want to make my brother unhappy, and I don't want to just compromise like this.

Yu Yingze lowered his head and played with his fingers, but his tone was not as tough as before.

"Brother understands," Yu Mingxi patted the little head in his arms, and looked seriously at those red eyes from crying, "But do you still remember when you first started playing football?"

"At the beginning, you didn't like it very much, and you weren't interested in it. You didn't want to join the interest class."

"But, after you really got in touch, you fell in love with it, didn't you? Wouldn't it be a pity if you gave up right away?"

"Brother and father will not force you to accept Yuanyuan and like Yuanyuan immediately. You can try to get along with her. It would be a pity if you refuse without even trying."

Yu Yingze didn't refute, and didn't play other small tricks, but quietly stared at a certain place and thought.

It seems that what my brother said makes sense.

"Knock, knock." Someone knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

"Second brother, I'm here to apologize," Yu Yuanyuan's cheerful voice came from the door, "Dad said it was all his fault, and it has nothing to do with Yuanyuan."

Yu Jinxiao who inadvertently let Yu Yuanyuan sneak in: "..."

What kind of apology is this?
He's a chef at such a young age, he's so good at throwing the pot away!
(End of this chapter)

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