The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 469 A Popular Idol Partners with a Little Cub

Chapter 469 A Popular Idol Partners with a Little Cub
There are not only Yu Jinxiao and his family in the painting, but also the uncle and second uncle's family.

As the birthday star, Mr. Yu is in the middle of the picture page.

The children's paintings are not exquisite, even the lines are messy, and even the coloring is careless.

But it is this immature style of painting that makes this seemingly flimsy page have an extraordinary significance.

"And our family." Yu Cangnan was the most interested, and squeezed to the old man's side, with an expression as if he was admiring a famous painting, "Sensen, look, it looks quite similar."

The eldest brother Yu Qingqian wasn't very interested at first.

The children's paintings are nothing more than ghostly symbols, and sometimes they can't boast against their conscience.

But when he heard Yu Cangnan say that, he also turned his head and looked curiously.

On the left side of the picture page, Yu Qingqian recognized at a glance that this was their family.

Everyone in the painting has grasped the characteristics, and the most touching thing is the atmosphere in the painting, which is full of warmth and happiness, and the simple lines depict a beautiful atmosphere of a big family.

"The paintings are indeed very similar. Look, the hairstyles of this villain are all exactly the same." Yu Qingqian smiled and pointed to the sister-in-law in the painting.

The villain's big eyes, hairstyle, and hair color are indeed exactly the same as his sister-in-law Jian Jiazhen.

"Jin Xiao, have you shown Yuanyuan our photos?" Yu Cangnan asked curiously.

"No," Yu Jinxiao shook his head, "It's all played by Xiao Douding himself. I was a little surprised when I saw it for the first time last night."

"That's why Yuanyuan is amazing," Yu Cangnan seemed to be the number one fan of Xiaozaizai, "Yuanyuan's drawing is really good!"

"Hey hey," the praised Xiao Zaizai smirked sheepishly, "Thank you everyone."

With a big wave of his hand, old man Yu asked someone to dismantle a pair of ancient paintings of the same size that they had received before, and used the frame on Xiao Zai Zai's painting.

"Hang the study for me, the most conspicuous place!"

The servant was stunned: "Master, your study room is full."

"Take off the one in the middle and replace it with a round painting." Old Master Yu said without any hesitation.

That is the painting that you spent nearly 3000 million to collect! ! !

Although they were shocked in their hearts, the servants did not dare to disobey. Everyone could tell that Mr. Yu was in a good mood, so they only dared to obey obediently.

When the painting was finished, Mr. Yu went upstairs to enjoy it with his cub in his arms: "Yuanyuan, how about hanging it here?"

"Okay, okay." For some reason, Xiao Zaizai hugged his grandfather and leaned against his face affectionately, "Grandpa will think of Yuanyuan when he sees paintings in the future."

"Of course I will. Every day I see this painting, I think of Yuanyuan every day." Old Man Yu's eyes were like crescent moons when he was teased by the little guy.

Cub's furry head arched, and he nestled obediently on Old Man Yu's shoulder: "If Grandpa wants Yuanyuan, he will send Yuanyuan a haircut. By the way, Yuanyuan has a watch."

As he said that, the little guy turned on the phone watch in a proactive manner, and awkwardly studied how to enter the number.

When Yu Mingxi saw it, he immediately stepped forward to help.

"I'm an old man, and I don't have much to talk to you young people." Old Man Yu still wanted to put on an air of arrogance.

Xiao Zaizai, who has always played straight balls, is not soft at all: "But Yuanyuan is very happy to hear Grandpa's voice!"

Ouch hello.

These words are like a candy, sweet to the heart of Mr. Yu at once.

Mr. Yu personally saved his phone number, and even patted Xiao Zai Zai on the head, so that she could take the initiative to call when she missed Grandpa.

Xiao Zai Zai nodded vigorously, agreeing wholeheartedly.

The night was late.

Everyone left the old house one by one.
Before leaving, Yu Cangnan asked Yu Yuanyuan again if he wanted to participate in the recording of the show.

Xiao Zai Zai was in high spirits, nodding his head and making a phantom.

The bustling big house became quiet again, but for the first time, Mr. Yu didn't feel lonely, as if the laughter during the day was still lingering in his ears.

On the way back, Yu Yuanyuan fell asleep with her head tilted and humming.

Gao Zhou drove, and Yu Jinxiao happened to be able to carefully read the documents sent by Yu Cangnan.

The format of the program is actually very simple, probably because there are children as guests, the main mode is popular idols under the age of 25, with special children from different family backgrounds.

In other words, there will be a popular idol partnering with Xiao Zai Zai?
(End of this chapter)

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