The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 484 Angrily Raising Small Fists in Protest

Chapter 484 Angrily Raising Small Fists in Protest

"Okay." Xiao Zai Zai lowered his head in disappointment, pursed his lips, and was very dissatisfied with his father's reaction.

Why is Ma's father not moved?

Aunt Chen led Yu Yuanyuan to the bathroom to wash up, and the camera went inside again, taking 360-degree shots of the cub.

A little guy in a furry one-piece pajamas stands on a bench.

I just picked up the water cup to fill up the water, squeezed the toothpaste, and brushed——

During the whole process, Aunt Chen only needs to watch from the sidelines, and Yu Yuanyuan can do all the cleaning work by herself.

Taking advantage of the camera in the bathroom, Xie Xin talked to Yu Jinxiao about his thoughts, and asked him to take Yuanyuan to play wherever he wanted today.

The reason why I didn't notify in advance is that I don't want to look too deliberate, and it mainly reflects the daily life and play of the father and daughter.

Yu Jinxiao knew that the show needed the effect of the show, so he thought about it for a long time, but there were many choices, but he didn't know where Yu Yuanyuan wanted to go.

When Xiao Zai Zai came out of the bathroom, Yu Jinxiao called her to stop: "Where do you want to go to play this weekend?"

"You can really go and play!" Yu Yuanyuan was very happy, her arms trembled, and the wind from her small fists swept across her face, "Yuanyuan has to think about it."

Just a little bit... Just a little bit, Yu Yuanyuan would hit him on the nose.

Yu Jinxiao, who has long been accustomed to being calm, never expected to use this instinct of coping with crises to get along with his daughter.

The cameraman wanted to laugh, but his professionalism told him to keep his cool.

Especially, laughing in front of Yu Jinxiao... If he was misunderstood as laughing at the number one boss in Jiangcheng, wouldn't he be committing suicide?

It's just that Yu Jinxiao, who is said to be ruthless and ruthless, has a sense of joy when interacting with this daughter who has never been made public.

After Xiao Zai Zai washed up, Aunt Chen went to the cloakroom and changed her into a cute little dress.

As soon as she came out after changing her clothes, Yu Yuanyuan grabbed Yu Jinxiao and asked, "Father, can I eat while filming the show?"

"No, the show crew doesn't provide meals." The cruel father threatened viciously.

The small face captured by the camera was greatly shocked, and immediately looked like the sky was falling, and the eyes even lost their luster.

"If you don't eat, Yuanyuan will starve to death," Yu Yuanyuan complained sullenly, "If Yuanyuan dies, Dad won't be able to see Yuanyuan in the future."

"If you don't eat a meal, you won't starve to death."

"I'll be hungry." Xiao Zai Zai protested unwillingly.

She really thought that she had nothing to eat today, so how could she do that! ! !

Brother Yunqing and Brother Yunlan also said that people depend on food, if there is really no food, then her world will collapse!

"Then I'll change your name to Bian Bian." Yu Jinxiao took the cub all the way down the road, fighting all the way, not at all the filial piety that Xie Xin envisioned.

"Bianbian doesn't sound good, don't want Yuanyuan." Xiao Zai Zai strongly protested.

When they got downstairs, Yu Yuanyuan, who caught a glimpse of the breakfast on the table, suddenly regained his energy, stretched out his claws and pointed: "This is Yuanyuan's breakfast, right?"

"This is my breakfast." Yu Jinxiao felt that his bad taste was about to be uncontrollable.

Being stared at by so many people would make him want to tease Xiao Zai Zai.

"Yuanyuan wants to eat too!" Xiao Zai Zai seemed afraid that Yu Jinxiao would not give him food, so he ran forward and tried his best to climb up the chair.

After climbing for a long time, exhausted and out of breath, the little guy can finally reach the table...

Suddenly her sight dropped, and she was picked up by Yu Jinxiao and put back on the ground.

The little face being photographed by the camera was shocked, and angrily raised his fists in protest: "Baba wants to be hungry!"

In the next second, Uncle Yang came over carrying the child seat, and said with a smile, "Ms. Yuanyuan, this is your breakfast. Mr. Yu has already had it."

"Karma?" The protest stopped abruptly.

Yu Jinxiao silently carried the little cub onto the child seat, and the little guy suddenly reached out and grabbed him: "Baba, Yuanyuan loves you the most!"

"If I don't give you this breakfast today, I'm definitely not your favorite."

(End of this chapter)

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