The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 487 Five?What are you kidding?

Chapter 487 Fifty?What are you kidding?
In the camera, Yu Jinxiao, who had already knelt down to give him a hug, was ignored.

Empty waiting for an embrace of air.

His eyes turned from left to right, without a trace of surprise or surprise, as if he had long been used to this situation, proficiently making people feel distressed.

If it weren't for the picture, the cameraman really wanted to laugh out loud.

But when he smiles, the screen will start to shake, it is necessary, hold back, must hold back.

"Baba!! There are so many things here!" The little boy, who had never seen the world before, ran to a looped vendor and pointed at the pile of small commodities on the ground with his fleshy claws.

There are ornaments, plush dolls, and small toys.

None of them are valuable things, just Tu Yile.

It seems that children are easy to become interested in this kind of thing, and three or two children have already gathered around the small vendor.

One of them had just bought 10 traps, but there was nothing left, and his eyes were red with disappointment.

The boss is a middle-aged man, wearing a black coat that has been washed to gray and hard, sitting on a chair beside him.

Seeing that the little boy was about to cry, he suddenly took out a small plastic pendant and gave it to him.

This thing is not worth a lot of money, and the workmanship is very simple, but it makes the little boy happy immediately.

He held it like a treasure and thanked the boss again and again.

The boss holds dozens of rings in his hand, waved his hands cheerfully, and chats with the vendors and tourists around him from time to time. He is obviously an optimistic and talkative person.

The eyes of the cubs standing nearby watching were shining, as if they were curious about the use of the things on the ground.

At this time, a young mother brought a six or seven-year-old girl to buy 10 rings. The mother and daughter stood in the area marked by the red line, trying to trap the little things in front.

Yu Yuanyuan stood and watched for a while, and probably knew how to play. With a "wow", she tugged at her father who was standing beside her: "Yuanyuan wants to play too~~~"

"What's so fun about it?" To Yu Jinxiao, he can immediately count a hundred thousand ways of playing that are more interesting than this, such as hoops and so on, it's just too boring.

But Xiao Zaizai neither quibbles nor pleads, just tugging at his trouser legs, looking at him expectantly.

In the camera, the father and daughter are two tall and one short, trying to overcome the sight gap caused by their height.

The two stood in a stalemate for about 10 seconds. The seemingly indifferent and unconditional man squatted down slowly.

"Really want to play?" Yu Jinxiao frowned and asked.

Xiao Zai Zai nodded vigorously, her little head turned into a phantom, and it could be seen how much she wanted to play.

Sighing, Yu Jinxiao walked up to the boss: "How much is it once?"

The boss put on a friendly smile: "15 rings for 10 yuan."

"Come 10..."

"Yuanyuan wants 50 circles!" The little guy next to him was bouncing excitedly.

fifty?What are you kidding?
Yu Jinxiao glanced at the things on the ground, there were not enough fifty of them, you want to set fifty of them as soon as you come?
"Puba~~~~" Xiao Zaizai acted like a baby desperately, with small eyes and a big belly, wishing she could eat a bite...a big fat man.

Being photographed by the camera, Yu Jinxiao didn't want to be ridiculed that he was a stingy man, his eyes turned cold: "Come to 50 laps."

Big business!

The boss sat up straight, carefully counted fifty circles and handed them over.

Yu Jinxiao, who was about to give the money, froze on the spot as soon as he opened the wallet.

It’s over.

Why no cash? !
A wallet full of distinguished gold cards, black cards and diamond cards, but I forgot to bring cash! !
Fifty circles have already been handed to him, and there is still a camera shooting beside him. If it is wrong at this time, it will be so embarrassing that it can burrow into the ground and sprout!
(End of this chapter)

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