The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 49 The bad computer and her rush to pull it out

Chapter 49 The bad computer and her rush to pull it out
"You are a little friend, and my brother is a big friend, you are different." The person from the most famous family in Jiangcheng was reduced to making up such mentally retarded words to coax children.

The conversation was beyond Yu Yuanyuan's comprehension, she nodded thoughtfully: "So that's how it is."

It's just... so deceiving.

The atmosphere at the table was not as dignified as expected.

Normally, Yu Jinxiao didn't like to be noisy, but with the addition of a little boy to enliven the atmosphere, the huge villa finally had a different vitality.

Because of Yu Yuanyuan's matter, Yu Jinxiao postponed many meetings in the afternoon, and went to the study after dinner.

Both Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze had to do their homework.

The only idler, Xiao Zaizai, wandered around the villa. After wandering so far that he could simulate a map in his mind, he fell into boredom again.

The servants all have their own jobs, and no one can play with her.

The brothers seemed to be working very seriously, Yu Yuanyuan was very obedient and didn't bother.

A cat chatted with the little lion doll in the room for a while, looking at the big room, the extremely boring little cub thought a little bit.

The little feet with the slippers on went out patter, all the way forward, and stopped at the door of Yu Jinxiao's study.

A round head popped out from the door, and quickly glanced inside.

Dad looks at the computer occasionally, flips through a lot of thick contracts from time to time, and talks to the computer!
It turns out that she is not the only one who can talk to things.

"Ba Ba..." Xiao Zai Zai tentatively called out with a breathy voice.

Yu Jinxiao, who was too serious, didn't notice her at all, and was still talking to the computer.

Angry, that bad computer is fighting with her!
The chubby Zai Zai ran into the study and went straight...under the table.

Yu Jinxiao's legs were used as a ladder by her, and the little claws grabbed the trouser legs and were about to climb up, when his head was suddenly pinned down by a big hand, and the little boy who had climbed halfway fell short, and slid back to the ground with an "Ah duck".

The wide palm is like a barrier, preventing Yu Yuanyuan from finding a breakthrough.

Wherever she wanted to drill, her father's hands covered it accurately, making it impossible for her to climb.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, Yu Yuanyuan was so tired that she turned around and ran out.

Yu Jinxiao glanced at the door from the corner of his eye, and continued to discuss the future cooperation with the CEO of the largest company in the city who was connected to the computer.

Walking around the room, Xiao Zai Zai saw a plastic bench in the corner.

The bench is a little shorter than hers, it looks big, but it is not heavy when lifted.

After weighing it, Yu Yuanyuan happily picked it up and ran away.

This time she didn't bluff, but walked quietly behind Yu Jinxiao and put down the stool.

The little hand also pressed down on purpose to ensure stability, and the small body began to climb hard.

It's normal for children to be skinny, Yu Jinxiao didn't want to interrupt the meeting and didn't care too much.

But as he talked, he noticed that the expression of his partner on the computer changed, and the corners of his mouth twitched from time to time, with an inappropriate smile on his face.

What are you laughing at?
Is what he said funny?
Yu Jinxiao's face darkened, his pupils shrunk slightly, making the people opposite the computer feel the terrifying hostility coming towards them.

The man in the computer is a middle-aged man, and compared with Yu Jinxiao, there is a big difference in appearance: he is fatter, his hair is a little bald, and he wears a pair of gold-rimmed eyes.

Not ugly but certainly not pretty.

The face is very kind, and when he smiles, he looks like a Maitreya Buddha, radiating a kind light.

"Baba, you are talking to the computer, and you ignore Yuanyuan."

Xiao Zai Zai's voice suddenly sounded next to her ears, Yu Jinxiao's eyes widened, how could she be so tall? ?
(End of this chapter)

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