The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 490 Good... so cool!

Chapter 490 Good... so cool!

Yu Jinxiao, who was standing beside him expressionlessly, didn't understand.

Had all his empathy been sucked away by this little boy?

Yu Yuanyuan was crying, but the silent crowd beside her was quietly taking pictures with their mobile phones, sighing while taking pictures: "Wow, this kid is so cute."

"Hey, Uncle now has a foot that is different from yours," said the boss, standing up, knocking his metal crutches on the stool, walking back and forth a few times to demonstrate to Xiao Zai Zai, "You Look, isn’t it? Uncle can walk as well, and ah, it doesn’t hurt when you touch a stool! You can’t do it, can you?”

Xiao Zai Zai stopped crying and digested the boss's words in a daze.

Yes, if her feet hit the stool, it would hurt so much that tears would come out!

And Uncle's new "feet" look different from them, cool!

"Wow," Xiao Zaizai nodded desperately, "Susu looks so cool, like a robot in a cartoon."

The boss was amused and laughed, but some of the onlookers wept silently because of the boss's optimism and cheerfulness.

"Kid, keep going," the boss pointed to the pile of things and urged with a smile, "Uncle wants to know how much you can pack."

Yu Yuanyuan grabbed a handful of rings, stared blankly at those things, and then at the spoils placed beside her legs.

"Then... the ones that Yuanyuan caught are all Yuanyuan's?" Xiao Zaizai, who finally grasped the point, scratched his head and asked.

"That's right, all the items in your suit are your prizes, kid!"

The clumsy body squatted down on the spot, not knowing what to think. After a few seconds, Xiao Zaizai stood up again and raised several circles: "How many circles can Yuanyuan throw at one time?"

"Kid, you can throw it any way you want, but if you throw it together, it won't be easy to catch."

"Hmph, Yuanyuan knocks the level really well."

When the words fell, Yu Yuanyuan hula threw 3 hoops, but none of them hit, all of them were just placed in the gap, and they lay down just right.

The cubs who were not in the suit didn't seem to be lost, and they were thrown in several circles together several times in a row.

It didn't take long for the remaining circles to be set, and none of them were hit again.

The boss looked disappointed, as if he was also looking forward to a few more hits by Yu Yuanyuan.

This kid is so cute, it's not impossible to let her go all the way.

"Oh, it's a pity that Yuanyuan didn't get caught!" Xiao Zaizai pretended to be angry and exhaled with his hips on his hips.

Yu Jinxiao knew this little dumpling very well.

Where is this really "a pity"?It was clearly intentional!Deliberately sending money to the boss!
"It's a pity," the boss also stood up, and began to close the circle with a cane, "Little friend, uncle gave this..."

Before he could finish speaking, a white figure ran past his eyes.

Xiao Zai Zai put the things in the cover back to their original places side by side, holding only a palm-sized cat ornament in his hand.

It was a white kitten curled up to sleep, Yu Yuanyuan liked it so much, she couldn't bear to put it back.

"Little friend, why did you put it back? You got it, and you deserve it." The boss limped to get it, but Xiao Zai Zai quickly shook his head.

"Yuanyuan's hands are too small, you can only hold one, if you take too many, Baba will scold you." After speaking, the little guy looked up at Yu Jinxiao, and threw the pot to him.

Yu Jinxiao's face was expressionless, he was already used to all kinds of pot lids: "Yeah."

(End of this chapter)

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