The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 497 There are no accidents... It's very warm

Chapter 497 If there are no's quite warm
Yu Jinxiao really wanted to check the content of the shooting, but after following the shooting all day, he might not be able to fall asleep after checking bit by bit.

What's more, he was the one who was willing to trust Xie Xin and leave everything to him to arrange.

Although the words "it's not good to always shoot funny ones" echoed in his heart, Yu Jinxiao suppressed his curiosity and agreed, "I'll make arrangements tonight."

"Okay, that's it."

Xie Xin took the camera crew away, and Xiao Zai Zai ran to the door to see them off.

The little dumpling was lying at the gate of the courtyard, happily waving its paws at them, and bowed to everyone next to each other.

Such a cute little guy made the staff's heart tremble.

They walked a long way, until they got into the car, the little ball was still watching at the gate of the yard.

Seeing that, Xie Xin's heart suddenly softened, he poked his head out of the car and waved to Xiao Zai Zai: "Yuanyuan, go home soon!!"

Seeing someone waving to him, Xiao Zai Zai jumped up and waved his paw again: "Will Susu come tomorrow?"

"Come on, come on, we have to shoot Yuanyuan tomorrow."

"Wow!" Xiao Zai Zai happily ran around in circles.

The car started slowly, and his sight was getting farther and farther away. Xie Xin looked in the direction where he could no longer see Xiao Zai Zai, and suddenly felt empty in his heart.

It's strange, I've only known her for two days, yet I feel uncomfortable not seeing her.

It's like being separated from my favorite cute baby, and I feel sad and suffering from the bottom of my heart.

"Yuanyuan is so cute, she will definitely be popular, she will definitely be," the young lady next to her firmly clenched her fists, "If there is a chance, I have to take two photos with Yuanyuan first."

Others also echoed, saying that Yuanyuan's cuteness and frankness will definitely bring a lot of traffic to the show's ratings.

Xie Xin didn't speak, just stared at the front blankly, no one knew what he was thinking.

Seeing that he didn't speak, someone asked curiously: "Director Xie, don't you...don't you think Yuanyuan will be popular?"

"It's not surprising that Yuanyuan will be popular," Xie Xin sighed, "I mean, she will definitely be popular, but how to make Yuanyuan gain more kindness and do what I promised Mr. Yu, the rest is It's up to us."

"Don't worry, the Propaganda Department has already come up with a plan."

Xie Xin nodded, this time the show is different from the previous ones, he wants to check not only the effect of the show.

Because, when Yu Jinxiao agreed to let Yuanyuan participate in the recording, his original intention was to hope that everyone would know that he had this daughter, and that he would not hold her maliciously.

After all, she is Yu Jinxiao's daughter.

Her father is always surrounded by all kinds of malice, even sitting is not impossible.

After Xie Xin left, Yu Jinxiao sat in the study, thinking over and over how to make some warm content?

Warm... how to create it?
For him, deliberate things have certain difficulties, especially deliberate warmth.

After Yu Mingxi learned about the subject of the shoot tomorrow, he asked curiously: "Then what is Dad's plan for tomorrow?"

"I may not have time to take Yu Yuanyuan out tomorrow. There are two very important video conferences." Yu Jinxiao originally thought about canceling, but the matter is urgent, and pushing it again and again will affect the progress. start up.

"How about... setting up a Yuanyuan play area here?" Yu Mingxi pointed to a large open space in front of Yu Jinxiao's study, "When the time comes, let Yuanyuan play here and Dad work, the atmosphere seems to be considered warm? "

Yu Jinxiao carefully imagined that scene.

If there are no is quite warm.

(End of this chapter)

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