The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 5 Can definitely sell for a good price

Chapter 5 Can definitely sell for a good price
The body reacted faster than the brain, Gao Zhou ran back to the cab, and boldly asked weakly: "Leave her... don't you care?"

"Drive." Yu Jinxiao's voice was already impatient.

How could Gao Zhou dare to ask, he could only start the car according to his words, and slowly drove away from the intersection.

In the rearview mirror, the little figure at the entrance of the alley was weak, pitiful and helpless, taking a sip from time to time while holding the milk carton, and staring straight at the rear of the car.

After driving far away, Gao Zhou looked in the rearview mirror, and the little guy was still looking at them eagerly, as if he was very serious about waiting for his father to go back.

As if his heart had been stabbed hard by an arrow, Gao Zhou pressed his hands on his heart and prayed silently, hoping that after he sent Mr. Yu home, the little milk bag would still be waiting there and not run around.

Even if Mr. Yu doesn't care, no matter what, he has to send her to a safe place.

Under the curtain of night, Jiangcheng is very lively dressed up in a world of feasting and feasting.

Gao Zhou has been absent-minded all the time, thinking of Yu Yuanyuan who was left alone at the entrance of the alley, he feels uneasy.

Such a small child, who looks so cute, if he is abducted by traffickers...

He dared not think further.

"Back back." Yu Jinxiao who had been silent for a long time said suddenly.

Gao Zhou was shocked and asked excitedly, "Back to..."

"I asked you to go back to the company, what do you think?" The voice from the back seat was cold and heartless.

Oh, that's it.

Gao Zhou turned the car around like a sunflower that had been stunned, and drove in the direction of the company on the same road.

When he was about to reach the entrance of the alley, he kept praying in his heart until——

He saw that short white figure still standing there.

Gao Zhou finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The traffic light also turned into a red light very competitively.

There were people coming and going at the entrance of the alley, only Yu Yuanyuan's small body stood still.

The milk carton was held by her with both hands like holding a baby, her small mouth sometimes puffed up, and sometimes she tried to suck it into a small dimple, her eyes were always looking forward.

"Ah, Yuanyuan really didn't run around," Gao Zhou cleared his throat, and stiffly attracted Yu Jinxiao's attention, "How about..."

"pull over."

"it is good!!"

There are too many black cars on the road, in Yu Yuanyuan's view, they all look similar, and she can't tell which one is her father's car.

A gust of cold wind blew up, making Yu Yuanyuan's nose itchy, and Axie shook his head vigorously.

Eyes and nose wrinkled, pitiful, like a kitten abandoned by the side of the road.

Gao Zhou turned his head with a smile on his face: "Mr. Yu, it's Yuanyuan..."

"Do nothing."

"Oh..." Gao Zhou lowered his head in disappointment.

Yu Jinxiao rested his chin, squinted his eyes and looked at the little milk bag at the entrance of the alley.

Tell her not to run around, she really won't go anywhere, stand alone, holding the milk carton and can concentrate on playing.

From time to time, I looked up at the side of the road, as if waiting for a familiar figure to walk towards me.

Every time I look up, the anticipation in my eyes will make people think of the stars dotted in the night suddenly shining brightly.

It's just that the person I see every time is not my father, and the light is gradually dimming and losing its luster.

Yu Yuanyuan was tired from standing, and was squatting on the ground holding her knees in a daze.

Suddenly, a strange voice came from above.

"Little friend, why are you here alone? Did you get lost with your family?"

Yu Yuanyuan froze for a moment, then replied, "I'm waiting for Dad!"

"Then I'll take you to find Dad, okay?" The man smiled, the feeling on his body made Yu Yuanyuan very uncomfortable.

"I promised Dad to wait for him here. I can't go. If Dad doesn't see me when he comes back, he will be sad." Yu Yuanyuan hugged her knees tightly, trying to shrink her own existence. The glutinous rice balls are out.

The man snorted coldly, took out a candy, and squatted down with a strange smile: "Uncle wants to help you, can I give you a candy? Uncle will take you to find Dad."

He has been back and forth from here many times just now, and the child has been neglected for more than half an hour, so he must have gotten lost.

It looks so cute, and it will definitely sell for a good price.

(End of this chapter)

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