The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 500 Get rid of yourself

Chapter 500 Leave Yourself Alone
Although Baba looked fierce, Yu Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing at the series of coincidences that happened just now.

She tried her best to pretend to be apologetic, but she couldn't hold it back anymore. She giggled and said with a smile, "Yuanyuan didn't mean it, quack, it didn't mean it."

Heh, you laughed so happily, and you said you didn't do it on purpose?

Am I stupid to believe you?

Xie Xin, who was moved by the side for less than an hour, wiped the sweat from his forehead.

It turned out that it was so difficult to take some warm pictures in Yu's house, but the style of painting turned into funny again.

Yu Jinxiao got up and walked towards Xiao Zai Zai, looking menacing, as if he wanted to crush the ball.

The vigilance in the cat's bones broke out, Yu Yuanyuan dodged left and right, nimbly crawling on the carpet like a small ball.

However, no matter how she climbed, she was easily caught up by Yu Jinxiao's long legs, and finally he lifted her up with the hat of her pajamas.

It was still the one-piece pajamas, where Yu Jinxiao grabbed the back of his neck.

From the camera, he looks like he is carrying a giant fluffy round cat cub.

"Yu Yuanyuan, you hit me with a building block." Yu Jinxiao pushed her to the side of the desk, pointing at the dazzling lemon yellow triangular building block on the ground.

It seems to be forcing Miao Zai Zai to confess to the crime scene.

"No, Yuanyuan accidentally kicked it," trying to explain by shaking her claws, but Yu Yuanyuan would circle back and forth in mid-air as soon as she moved, and she kicked her hands and feet in a hurry, "Yuanyuan didn't do it on purpose!"

"Really? I think you laughed very happily just now."

Xiao Zaizai almost shrank into his pajamas, and desperately pointed at the other brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts next to him: "Yuanyuan is not the only one who is laughing."

Yu Jinxiao glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and the smiling camera immediately pursed his lips.

This kind of coincidence can also be captured by him, it's amazing, just thinking of the scene just now, Yu Jinxiao's expression, and Xiao Zai Zai's movements, the camera can hold back laughter until it trembles all over.

Everyone in the room still had afterimages of smiles on the corners of their mouths. Looking at it this way, it seemed that Xiao Zai Zai was really innocent.

Yu Jinxiao put the person back on the carpet, Xiao Zaizai immediately crawled under the table to pick up the building blocks.

"Pu Ba!" After less than two seconds of silence, Xiao Zai Zai suddenly yelled.

"What's the matter? I was startled." Yu Jinxiao crossed his hands and stared at the little white dumpling in place.

Yu Yuanyuan ran forward anxiously, trying to lift up the building block in her hand: "Dad's feet smashed the building block!"

No, your word order is wrong!
Yu Jinxiao stared at the little boy who made the accusation, and was almost misled by the little guy's logic.

Obviously she brought the building block over and hit his foot, but now the building block is missing a corner, how could it be the building block that his foot smashed on? ? ?
"It was you who smashed the building blocks on my feet." Yu Jinxiao covered the head of the little glutinous rice ball with his palm, "Why did my feet smash the building blocks?"

The logically confused Xiao Zai Zai was stunned on the spot, as if he felt that what Ba Ba said made sense.

"Besides, it was your movement that caused the building block to fly up and hit me, and it hurt me." Seeing that he had the initiative, Yu Jinxiao started to fool Xiao Zai Zai again, "Should you say something?"

Yu Yuanyuan, who was stunned by a lot of questions, raised her head, blinked her eyes that didn't look bright, and was quiet for a moment.

Xiao Zai Zai held up the lemon yellow triangle: "Ba Ba, the building block was not intentional, can you forgive it?"

Yu Jinxiao: "?"

Wait, you've completely wiped yourself out.

(End of this chapter)

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