The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 503 Wipe Bei Yan's Paw Prints Clean

Chapter 503 Wipe Bei Yan's Paw Prints Clean
Xie Xin didn't want to say too much, because he was afraid that Yu Jinxiao would be upset, so he cut off the filming immediately.

Yu Jinxiao doesn't pay attention to such a small amount of liquidated damages.

It was not for money that I agreed to let Xiao Zai Zai take the film.

"It's good, it's really good, don't worry, Mr. Yu." Probably because he had more contact with Yu Jinxiao, Xie Xin began to learn how to be bold, so he should comfort Yu Jinxiao first.

But Yu Jinxiao always felt that Xie Xin's way of speaking... seemed a little guilty.

But at the beginning, the second brother patted his chest and promised that there would be no problem, so Yu Jinxiao could only trust Xie Xin once.

Today I'm going to follow up on a day of Cub Zai's life in kindergarten.

Yu Yuanyuan was very happy, and took the cameraman to introduce her good friends. In just ten minutes, she almost took pictures of all the little friends in her class one by one.

In the end, Xiao Zai Zai brought three more children, and waved his paw triumphantly: "They are Yuan Yuan's best, best friends!"

Wen Zifei looked at the camera aimed at him and frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

"You don't have to ask, it must be what to shoot." As a child who grew up under surveillance for a long time, Chu Qi didn't have much resistance to the camera.

In contrast, Gu Beiyan looked very abnormal.

If he's curious, he's curious, and he actually picks it up and sticks his head to the camera to watch.

A cute and silly big face occupies the entire screen, and the fingers are curiously clicking on the camera: "Wow, it's really a camera, it's so big, Yuanyuan, is this the show you participated in?"

"Beiyan, you can't touch the camera," Yu Yuanyuan stepped forward solemnly, and grabbed Gu Beiyan's hand back, "The camera will be wasted, and we won't be able to get a clear picture of us."

The cameraman was moved inwardly.

Yuanyuan is young, but she is so reliable and sensible.

"Okay." Gu Beiyan's eager curiosity was suppressed desperately, and he put his hands in his pockets.

In the next second, Xiao Zai Zai stepped forward, stretched out his claws and wiped the lens twice: "Wipe Beiyan's paw prints clean, and that's it!"

Cameraman: Thank you!

The completely wasted lens can only capture a few fuzzy little friends huddling around, as well as the happy laughter of quacking.

Xie Xin hurriedly asked another machine to follow up, and asked the staff to clean up the footage quickly.

After all the children arrived, a group of cute little guys like little grapes obediently followed the teacher into the classroom.

The classroom is very warmly decorated, there are only about [-] children in the huge room, but it doesn't look deserted at all, and even a little lively.

In the first class, the teacher taught everyone to know about plants. Every child opened their eyes and learned the process of growing flowers and plants.

They don't understand the complicated principles, but they finally know how to put the seeds in the soil, water them, and bask in the sun.

Each child received a flower pot, and there were various seeds on the podium, which they picked randomly, and the children took care of them to grow up.

Yu Yuanyuan likes flowers, especially the beautiful pink rose flower in the picture, which makes her feel at home.

It's just that the children don't know the seeds on the table, and everyone doesn't know what they will get.

After receiving the seeds and soil, the teacher also sent them a cute cartoon sticker, asking the children to write their names and stick them on the flower pots for easy identification.

Xiao Zai Zai held the pen, recalled the strokes of his name in his mind, and suddenly had a headache.

The sticker is so small, where can I write it down!

Biting his lip and thinking for a moment, Xiao Zai Zai suddenly wrote on the sticker.

The camera advances——

But what appeared on the screen was not as imagined!
That's the name?

Probably... yes?

(End of this chapter)

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