The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 506 This is probably considered a warm one?

Chapter 506 Is this probably considered a kind of warmth?
Xiao Zai Zai lifted his schoolbag and put it on the table, pointing to different parts of the name with his left and right hands to explain to Shen Ji.

It turns was really her own name!

Especially the word "Yuanyuan" at the end is too complicated for Xiaozaizai, and he will unconsciously write it out of order every time, otherwise there is no way to write it inside.

In the end, it was simplified into two circles by the little cub who thought he was smart.

"Yuanyuan, do you want to try how to write the correct name?" Shen Ji spread out a piece of white paper again, ready to demonstrate to Xiao Zai Zai.

The smug little boy petrified on the spot: " the name written incorrect?"

"It's not completely correct." Shen Ji, who had already been thinking like a child, answered Yu Yuanyuan's words without any hesitation, "It can be written more correctly."


After receiving a little bit of affirmation, Xiao Zai Zai got excited immediately, grabbed the children's pen with his claws like a steamed bun, and imitated Shen Ji's strokes to write large characters on A4 paper.

Finally, Cub Zai also learned to write "Dad" and "Brother".

Although they are all "drawn" according to the characters written by Shen Ji, Xiao Zai Zai's writing is quite stylish, at least you can recognize what it is at a glance.

"I want to show it to Ba Ba~~" Xiao Zai Zai asked Shen Ji, holding a corner with two claws, and ran happily towards the study.

As soon as she entered the study, Yu Yuanyuan couldn't wait: "Baba~~Look~~~"


Stepping on her right foot with her left foot, Yu Yuanyuan flung herself on the ground and landed on all fours.

Like a small animal basking in the sun with its paws.

Yu Jinxiao followed the sound, but didn't get up to hug her: "What's wrong? You want to show me wrestling?"

"Pfft." The cameraman couldn't hold back, and secretly laughed.

Xie Xin almost lost his composure, he never expected Yu Jinxiao to react like this.

Generally, when parents see a child wrestling, don’t they immediately get up and help him up, and quickly comfort the crying child?

Wait, there seems to be no crying.

Yu Yuanyuan, who fell to the ground and was lying on the carpet, got up by herself, patted the wrinkled clothes, and continued to run towards Yu Jinxiao laughing and joking.

That way... It seems that wrestling is just a necessary process in life, and it's good to get up!

It was the first time for Xie Xin to see a little friend who didn't cry after falling like that! !
Xiao Zai Zai had already arrived at the table, so Yu Jinxiao picked her up and sat on his lap.

Seemingly casual, the fingers were quietly checking her joints and exposed claws.

"Baba, look! Yuanyuan learned it today!" Yu Yuanyuan, who couldn't wait to show it off, raised the paper in her hand to Yu Jinxiao's eyes.

On the A4 paper, the word "Dad" was written crookedly, with the innocence of a child.

Yu Jinxiao didn't respond, he looked carefully for a few seconds, then patted Xiao Zai Zai on the head: "Well, it's well written."

"Hey hey." Satisfied with the praise, Zaizai slid off his father's lap and ran back to the study to continue his tutoring.

After Xiao Zai Zai and the cameraman had left, Yu Jinxiao turned his gaze back to the crumpled piece of paper.

That little glutinous rice ball can actually write, although it may be the word "painting", but she... wrote "Dad"! ! !
With a sore feeling rolling in Yu Jinxiao's throat, he took out his phone, carefully adjusted the angle, and took a picture of the "Dad" written by Xiao Zai Zai.

He thought that the clothes were perfect and no one would see them, but it turned out to be in a corner outside the study...

Xie Xin took a small video camera and secretly recorded all of Yu Jinxiao's actions.

Hmm... Maybe this is considered a kind of warmth?
(End of this chapter)

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