The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 514 Delicious brother!

From this moment on, the camera will follow the shooting 24 hours a day without stopping.

Some staff deliberately guided the children to meet each other, trying to take pictures of fun.

As a result, Yu Yuanyuan just leaned over curiously, when she heard a scream of "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" from the little girl in the pink skirt.

The little boy in the peaked cap caught a bug from nowhere and put it on the girl's sleeve.

The girl was so frightened that she yelled and even shed tears.

Just when the staff was about to go up to deal with it, Yu Yuanyuan swooped down, ran up to the previous one... and raised her leg violently.

The action looks fast, but it's actually funny and funny.

The unbalanced little cub raised one foot, and carefully "kicked" the bug off the girl's sleeve.

"It's okay, it fell on the ground." Yu Yuanyuan dealt with the bug, and wobbled to comfort the little girl, "I have biscuits, what do you want?"

The girl whimpered and looked at the "savior" in front of her, and whispered, "What's the smell?"

Yu Yuanyuan glanced at the packaging with a certain expression: "It's strawberry flavor!"

The female assistant next to her doubted her life, staring blankly at the word "blueberry" on the packaging bag.

"Strawberries are delicious." The girl in the pink dress also nodded cutely, reached out to take a piece of biscuit, and ate it happily.

The slightly chaotic scene was brought under control by Yu Yuanyuan's kick.

The two little girls who met for the first time seemed to hit it off, happily holding hands after eating cookies.

The two small milk bags are about the same height and are equally cute and cute. One is pink and the other is red, like two balls of fruit.

When he woke up today, Yu Jinxiao deliberately chose a red jacket and black pants.

He was worried that Yu Yuanyuan would run around and get lost, the red color was conspicuous and easy to find, and the black trousers would not get dirty easily if she tossed about them.

All this is well-intentioned!

The staff gathered the children together and introduced each other next to each other.

The pink little girl is called Su Zhirui, and her parents are both hosts.

The little boy who is always in a daze and doesn't talk much is called Ling Zi. His mother is a song queen who has won numerous awards, and his father is a famous composer.

The vicious little boy is called Sun Chengyu, whose father is an athlete and whose mother is an amateur.

The remaining little boy who catches bugs and scares Su Zhirui is the most troublesome. His name is Qiu Yang, his father is a great director, and his mother was once a very famous actress. Everyone in the entertainment industry wants to give them some face.

When we met for the first time, the children were not very familiar with each other, and they didn't talk much to each other. Only Yu Yuanyuan and Su Zhirui became good friends immediately.

While waiting for other people to come, the two little milk packs held hands, clinging to each other no matter where they went.

"Ah, it's here, it's all here."

On the other side of the road, a staff member raised his hand to signal.

Xiao Zai Zai heard that someone was coming again, thought it was a new kid, and took Rui Rui to join in the fun.

"Yuanyuan, who's here?" Su Zhirui, who didn't understand the flow of the program at all, asked curiously.

"Maybe a new kid!"


The two little girls are looking forward to...

As a result, five adults got on and off in the five new cars, and they disappeared.

No new kids at all.

"Why are they all adults?" Su Zhirui shrank behind Yu Yuanyuan in fear, two cute little heads overlapped.

The five people who got off were men and women, four men and one woman.

As soon as they stood still, they looked around, as if they were looking for something.

Xiao Zai Zai looked at it from a distance, and immediately saw the familiar face in the advertisement from the group of people!
"Brother Delicious!" Yu Yuanyuan happily ran over and hugged He Chen's leg.

Caught off guard, He Chen was taken aback, and the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose slipped off.

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