The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 520 Foul, start again from the beginning

Standing in front of him was not only Xiao Zai Zai, but also a big video camera.

The young lady was surprised: "What are you doing? Are you recording a program?"

"Yes!" Yu Yuanyuan replied in a childish voice.

This voice is so cute, it's so cute that people's bones are going to be soft.

The young lady put the milk tea aside and said with a smile, "What's the name of your show, my little friend?"

Right!She still hasn't remembered the name of the show!
Xiao Zaizai, who was suddenly asked, looked confused and tried to find the answer from the cameraman Susu, but... Susu was very serious today and didn't reveal a word.

At this moment, He Chen appeared wearing sunglasses, and smiled charmingly: "We are recording "Cute Explosion 1+1"."

"Wait, you are He..." The young lady was so shocked that she almost screamed.

He Chen pretended to be mysterious and blinked his eyes, regardless of whether the other side could see it or not, he put his index finger in front of his lips: "Hush, keep your voice down~"

"Shhh, miss, please lower your voice~" Xiao Zai Zai, who didn't know what was going on, followed suit.

"Oh!" The young lady covered her lips cooperatively, and asked again, "Then what mission are you going to do?"

She has watched too many variety shows of this type, and she knows what to do without needing to say more.

He Chen snapped his fingers handsomely, and was about to explain their mission when a staff member's cold and heartless voice sounded: "He Chen, the Yuanyuan team fouled, go back to the starting point and start over."

"Ah?!" He Chen felt like his head was about to split.

Today is the day he has said "Huh?" the most times since he grew up.

"When the little guest is communicating with passers-by, He Chen, you can't guide and explain, so, foul, go back to the starting point and start again."

boom -

He Chen felt thunder sounding above his head.

The other guests around had already gone to the next destination, and the two of them were the only ones who went home and started all over again!
Dejected and extremely tired, He Chen took Yu Yuanyuan's ball like Yanba, and dragged his pathetic steps back to the original starting point.

"I'm sorry, Yuanyuan, I interrupted and made you start over with me." He Chen apologized from the bottom of his heart.

Obviously the kid was already working hard, but he talked so much that his team fouled.

Xiao Zai Zai blinked his eyes, as if he didn't quite understand why Brother Yummy looked so sluggish, even through the sunglasses, he could smell the unhappy aura on him.

"It's okay," Yu Yuanyuan stretched out her claws, but she could only pat He Chen's leg because of her size, "We didn't start out in the first place."

He Chen: "..." I suddenly felt that what you said made sense.

They were already at the starting point, but they were just about to start, and it only took five minutes to get back to the starting point, so it didn't matter.

"Susu Susu, can we continue to complete the task?" Xiao Zai Zai, who stood in a circle at the starting point for three minutes, couldn't wait.

"Alright, let's go again!"

After saying that, Yu Yuanyuan rushed out like a little spring, and went straight to the place where the young lady was just now.


Oh, the young lady has already left, and even the milk tea disappeared with the young lady.

Xiao Zai Zai was very disappointed, sighed, and stood there waiting for He Chen to follow.

Seeing the little milk bag who was full of energy one second, the next second it seems like the sky is falling, and the little face is full of disappointment.

"Yuanyuan, what's the matter?" He Chen knew it was time to play the role of the handsome and intimate big brother, so he deliberately squatted down to communicate with the little milk bag softly.

"Miss Sister is gone, hey," another sigh of disappointment, Yu Yuanyuan shook her head, "The milk tea is gone too."

He Chen: "Huh?"

Is there any connection between milk tea and tasks?

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