The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 53 The bad guy is so familiar

Chapter 53 The bad guy is so familiar

"But...the long one," Teacher Yuanyuan gestured twice, and gestured frantically, "It's still green, it's a snake... right?"

After arguing with reason, her tone didn't have any confidence.

"Have you ever seen such a thick and short snake?" Yu Yingze laughed angrily at her.

After thinking about it with her fingers, Yu Yuanyuan said with certainty: "People can be tall or short, and it might just be fat!"

"Pfft." Yu Mingxi couldn't help laughing this time.

Zai Zai, who looks like a small and childish person, is actually quite eloquent when he explains it.

Even fallacies sounded extra cute.

Yu Yingze supported his head and fell silent.

He couldn't listen to this class any longer, otherwise there would be a huge error in his cognition.

"I'm a little sleepy, I'm going back to my room to sleep." Yu Yingze even wanted to buy a standing ticket overnight and escape, and ran back to the room like a dog was chasing after him.

Yu Yuanyuan scratched her little head, but still didn't understand what the hurried back meant.

"Wow," yawned loudly, and Xiao Zai Zai's voice became vague, "Brother, Yuan Yuan is sleepy too."

"Then wash and go to bed." Yu Mingxi took Yuanyuan to the bathroom, put warm water for her to wash.

It may be because of her life in the orphanage, Yu Yuanyuan was very obedient and cooperative, and Yu Mingxi helped her wash up very easily.

The bed in Yu Yuanyuan's room was bigger than the bed in the previous guest room, the mattress was very soft, and the quilt smelled like sunshine.

As soon as she lay down, she felt like a cotton candy that was about to melt.

"Want to hear a story?" Yu Mingxi picked up a book of fairy tales and made do on the small bench.

"Wow wow wow."

Yu Mingxi briefly glanced over it. It was a very simple fairy tale, which could be finished in about 15 minutes.

He is used to previewing his studies. After carefully reading the story in his heart quickly and silently, he cleared his throat and was about to start. There was already a snoring sound on the pillow.

The breathing is not heavy, it is the soft gurgling sound of a child after a deep sleep.

Yu Yuanyuan's head was still facing him, her eyes had been slit together, her small mouth was slightly opened, puffed up by the pillow.

The story that has not come to be told urgently ends without a problem.

After putting away the books and tucking in the quilt for Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Mingxi exited silently and closed the door.

Hula Hula, the little cub is dreaming again.

The dream feels so real.

She saw the bad guy who chopped off her father's claws in her dream, and Yu Yuanyuan was so frightened that she shouted wildly in her dream, but her father didn't hear anything.

Seeing that bad guy getting closer and closer to her father, Yu Yuanyuan was so anxious that she was about to cry.

But this time the dream seemed a little different.

The bad guy just walked past Dad and walked away without doing anything.

Yu Yuanyuan breathed heavily, sweating nervously.

This villain is so familiar!
Xiao Zai Zai stared desperately at it with wide eyes, desperately thinking... She knew it! ! !
That villain is Zhou Zhou who has grown up!

That little devil who often bullied her in the orphanage!

Zhou Zhou actually became a professional shark player, so frightening.

But the content of the dream changed today. He didn't hurt Dad. Does that mean...he has become a good boy?

Fortunately, it was just a dream, but as long as Dad is fine, Yu Yuanyuan scared himself enough in the dream.

But it's not right!
If the last dream was just an ordinary dream, why did her mouth stick for no reason when she wanted to mention the content of the dream?
In the fairyland, there is a fairy bird who knows a kind of fairy magic. If someone finds out the secret that it can peck butts, it will cast a spell to make people speechless.

Is there such a fairy bird in this world?

That that must be something in the dream is a secret, you can't say it, so you can keep your mouth shut.

Fruit ice!

Yu Yuanyuan suddenly realized, and gave herself a thumbs up in the dream.

(End of this chapter)

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