The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 533 The Son of Heaven's Chosen

Could it be that his disguise is too obvious?

But, obviously Yu Mingxi didn't recognize him at first, so why did this three-year-old boy look for him all the way as if he had discovered him a long time ago.

"Yeah." In order to expose his identity in front of the camera, Yu Jinxiao deliberately responded with a deeper voice.

He still talks as little as possible, the less he talks, the less likely he is to be discovered.

Xiao Zai Zai sniffed the familiar smell, and was sure that the person in front of him was his father.

It's just... Today's dad is dressed so strangely!

It's completely different from the usual dad.

Looking at him blankly and curiously with big eyes, Yu Jinxiao hesitated for a while, then suddenly remembered the plan he had seen before.

He still had an impression of the first game, the destination was Shuiyun Park on the 14th.

"Choose 14." Without any hesitation, Yu Jinxiao directly chose the destination based on his own understanding of the program.

After Xiao Zaizai got the number, he turned his head curiously and told He Chen.

But as soon as he heard 14, He Chen knew they had won! !
He Chen jumped over excitedly, grabbed Yu Jinxiao's hand, and shook it vigorously: "Thank you, thank you so much, we won! We won! Hahahaha!"

He Chen, who had been so nervous all day long, was so excited that he had lost his hope for life. He jumped up and down in place with his arms raised, completely forgetting what an image was.

Yu Jinxiao frowned, seeing one big and one young running happily on the spot, suddenly a little suspicious...the IQ of these two people is probably about the same.

While Xiao Zai Zai was talking to He Chen, Yu Jinxiao, who was afraid of being exposed, ran away quickly, keeping a long distance away, quietly watching from the corner across the road.

Hearing that the game was over and that they were the first winning team, Yu Yuanyuan was happy to beat the level. She just wanted to thank Ba Ba for his divine assist, but turned her head——

Baba is gone! !

The anxious little Zai Zai frowned, looked left and right, but he couldn't see Ba ​​Ba anywhere.

However, she smelled Baba and wanted to go to Baba.

He Chen, who didn't understand Xiao Zai Zai's thoughts at all, grabbed her little steamed bun hand and shook it happily: "Yuanyuan, we are the champions, and when we arrive at our destination, we can be the first to choose where to stay tonight." !"

"Aww~~" Xiao Zai Zai, who was a little disappointed, nodded, his eyes reluctantly looked towards the direction where Ba Ba's scent came.

Baba said to be quiet, she is still filming a show, so she can't go to Baba~~
But Baba didn't cheat Yin this time!

He really accompanied Yuanyuan!
Xiao Zai Zai, who was lost for a few seconds, immediately became happy, looked down at his hands and smiled foolishly.

Although He Chen was happy, he still didn't understand why Yu Yuanyuan's smile could reveal such a unique and silly demeanor.

The game has been won, He Chen and Xiao Zai Zai are ready to rush to the destination.

After asking a kind passerby, they found out that there is a direct subway here.

Yu Yuanyuan's height can be exempted, and they only have 10 yuan left and 6 yuan left!
Arriving at the subway station according to the guidance, He Chen glanced at the subway route, and suddenly felt as if he had connected all the scattered details together in his heart.

isn't it? ?

They are not unlucky at all, but extremely lucky, and they can even be said to be the chosen ones! !

Every passerby's choice seems to be deliberately leading them to this place.

Because of the problem of road construction near Shuiyun Park, there are often traffic jams and no one wants to go by taxi; there is no direct bus, and it takes 2 or 2 transfers to transfer to the nearest station. It takes [-] kilometers to get off the bus.

The only cheapest and fastest way is to take the subway from here.

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