The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 541 Crunch...creak...

The staff who watched the mobile phone screen had goosebumps all over their bodies.

Just at this time, Xie Xin also came. Seeing them staying near the RV strangely, he came over to find out the situation.

"Director Xie," someone pointed to the RV and whispered, "Yuanyuan's father... Yu Jinxiao is here."

Xie Xin was taken aback, then turned to look at the RV, and asked in disbelief, "Huh? Is this RV his?"

Just now he felt that the car was a bit in the way, and was planning to have someone persuade the owner to leave, but now he had to be glad that he hadn't come in a hurry to do so.

"Show me the camera on Yuanyuan's body." Xie Xin reached out and snatched the phone, carefully observing the picture inside, "Are you saving it?"

The staff was stunned, and nodded: "It will be automatically uploaded online, and the card in the camera on Yuanyuan's body will also be saved at that time."

Xie Xin grinned an exaggerated smile that frightened his colleagues: "Great, this is a good material!"

The camera on Yu Yuanyuan's side went dark for two seconds, and the lights came on again. Xiao Zai Zai is short, and only a little bit of Yu Jinxiao's legs can be photographed.

As if he was afraid that they might suspect something, Yu Jinxiao deliberately opened the car door on the way to let Xiao Zai Zai say hello to the others, saying that she would just play in the car for 10 minutes and then go back.

The staff members who had known his identity for a long time nodded their heads, how could they dare to say no.

Yu Jinxiao used his mobile phone to let Xiao Zai Zai, Yu Mingxi, Yu Yingze and the others video for a while, as a way of saying that he was safe.

After all, Yu Yuanyuan has never traveled far alone.

Although Xie Xin tried his best to promise that he would take good care of her, Yu Jinxiao would not easily believe what other people said.

Unless he saw it with his own eyes and participated in it himself, he couldn't let go of it.

"Okay, it's almost time." Yu Jinxiao grabbed the small blanket on the sofa and wrapped it around Yu Yuanyuan, "You must wear a coat when you go out, otherwise you will catch a cold, you should wear this back."

"Then what's the point of unplugging?" The moved little Zaizai's eyes turned red.

The calm Yu Jinxiao picked her up and showed her the goose down quilt on the bed: "This one is light and warm."

Looking down at the blanket on his body, Yu Zaizai immediately put away the tears that moved him.

"By the way, do you still remember the secret we agreed upon?" Yu Jinxiao felt that it was necessary to confirm with Xiao Zai Zai before opening the door.

The already proficient Xiao Zai Zai gave a thumbs up: "Don't let other people know that Daddy and Yuanyuan are together."

"Well, not bad, let's go back." After stroking the little furry head, Yu Jinxiao put on a mask and hat, opened the car door and sent her off.

As soon as Yu Yuanyuan got out of the car happily, she saw a circle of people in the open space outside, all looking at the phone screen.

But after hearing the door of the RV open, the group of brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts scattered, pretending to be indifferent.

Although I don't understand it a bit, I don't think there is anything wrong in the world of children.

After taking Yu Yuanyuan out of the car, Yu Jinxiao didn't rush to close the door, he wanted to make sure if this little boy would obediently return to his place.

The little glutinous rice balls were wrapped in several layers of thick blankets, and they circled themselves into a cute little ball. When walking on the grass, they looked like a ball of small glutinous rice balls rolling in the water.

Yu Yuanyuan took two steps, then looked back, reluctant to part.

She wanted to stay with Baba very much, seemed impossible.

Just when everyone was holding their breath and was too oppressed by Yu Jinxiao's aura to speak out, a voice gradually came from far to near in the quiet surroundings.


It sounded like old metal rubbing against each other, and there was a rattling sound.

There is also the sound of a little electric car motor.

Everyone, Bao Xiaozai followed the sound, and saw He Chen riding a broken bicycle borrowed from no one knew where, creaking and pedaling towards them.

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