The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 544 Don't Say These Things

He Chen looked towards a certain building in the distance, and a thought suddenly popped up in his heart.

By the way, he can ask Jin Man to help bathe and wash the cub!

After running outside for a whole day today, Yu Yuanyuan probably sweated a lot, and I'm afraid it's impossible not to take a bath and change clothes.

After making up his mind, He Chen dragged Xiao Zai Zai's suitcase, grabbed that chubby little hand, and led her to find Jin Man.

The place that Su Zhirui and Jin Man drew was not too bad. It was a simple, single-family hotel. It looked old on the outside, but it was cleaned and had everything it needed, and the environment was very quiet.

Before coming, He Chen asked the staff for the room number where Jin Man and the others lived.

I heard that only Jin Man and Su Zhirui live in the whole building here, and it is the off-season for tourism recently, so no one comes to play.

The program team deliberately did not restrict the normal occupancy of the hotel, and it turned out that no one came to stay tonight.

I don't know why, when He Chen went upstairs, he felt the surroundings were chilly, as if there was a gust of wind blowing all the time, and he couldn't help imagining all kinds of scary scenes in his heart.

Yu Yuanyuan is also afraid of the dark, the street lights around here are very dark, and the lights in the corridor are also dim yellow, shining on the green walls...

The more you look at it, the more horrifying it becomes.

Even though there were staff around him following the filming, He Chen didn't feel that having a large number of people could embolden his courage.

What if Ah Piao just wanted to prove himself by taking advantage of the crowd?

"Brother Haoyi, is there a ghost in the intermediary?" The little boy shrank into a ball in fright, and almost stuck to He Chen's lap.

He Chen was too busy to even comfort himself, how could he have thought that such a small guy would know such things as "ghosts"! ! !
All right, the atmosphere became more and more terrifying.

"How is it possible, there are no ghosts in this world." He Chen squeezed out two dry laughs, and patted Yu Yuanyuan's little head with trembling palms.

The little head that was also full of fear was trembling: "But the second brother said that there are ghosts in this world, and they will suddenly appear and pat you on the shoulder while people are not paying attention!"

Almost at the same time, as soon as Yu Yuanyuan finished speaking, He Chen felt a heavy slap on his shoulder.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He Chen felt every pore on his body open, screaming silently like a mouth.

The little cub, who was also infected by the terrifying aura, was so frightened that he "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Jin Man, who led Su Zhirui back from the outside, was taken aback by their reaction. The hand that had just patted He Chen's shoulder froze in mid-air, not knowing whether to put it away or keep it.

"It's you." After seeing clearly that it was Jin Man, He Chen let out a long breath.

Xiao Zai Zai also popped his head: "Ruirui, have you seen a ghost?"

"Ah? Is a ghost a magic horse?" Su Zhirui was puzzled with a small face.

Jin Man frowned, and quickly covered Su Zhirui's ears: "Don't say these things, it will scare the children."

As a martial arts star, Jin Man has always had a strong aura.

It's just that He Chen didn't understand why she was staring at him when she issued a warning? ? ?

It's obviously none of his business! !

It was the little boy who suddenly said there was a ghost, and he was frightened!
"You came here to ask me something?" Jin Man let go of her hand, and took Su Zhirui's small palm again.

He Chen was inexplicably guilty by her gaze, and said in a small voice, "Can I trouble you to do me a favor?"

"Okay, but you have to do me a favor too."

"Ah?" He Chen was caught off guard by her words.

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