The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 547 Let's Learn Kung Fu Together

After taking a bath, Jin Man planned to rest after going back to do Lajin, and didn't want to exercise strenuously.

Who knew... the kid would really trouble her.

Jin Man originally wanted to say a few perfunctory words, but seeing Su Zhirui staring at her, she was full of pride and pride. All of this was because of her!

When the words came to his mouth, he couldn't say anything, Jin Man pondered for a while, and confirmed again: "Do you really want to learn?"

She didn't expect the children to plant any flowers in one night, but... those two pairs of cute big eyes made it impossible to refuse.

"I want to learn~~" Su Zhirui and Yu Yuanyuan nodded at the same time.

The two stood side by side, shaking their heads at the same frequency, and their goofy looks were very harmonious, no wonder they hit it off right away.

Jin Man cleared her throat, got up and stretched her muscles, intending to teach them some tricks.

Kung fu cannot be accomplished in a day or two, it is the accumulation of various aspects of training.

However, these two children are just on a whim, and they can just teach them casually.

"Okay, come on, stand up, and spread your legs like this," Jin Man skillfully tied her horse's stance, steady and stylish, "You must have a sense of grip under your feet, so that no one kicks you can shake your stability."

After the words fell, Su Zhirui, who was beside her, staggered and fell to the ground.

Well, it's normal for a little pot friend who pokes and collapses not to be able to meet this requirement.

Yu Yuanyuan also spread her short legs apart, but she couldn't stand when she lowered her center of gravity, as if she was about to fall at any time.

The little guy thought he was smart, bent his knees a little bit, and pouted his buttocks to keep his balance.

He Chen, who was still immersed in sadness, turned over on the sofa, holding the phone in his hands, saddened.

"Brother Delicious!" The little milk voice sounded impressively from behind, "You also come to learn Kung Fu together~~"

He Chen turned his head and glanced at Yu Yuanyuan, weakly: "No need, you guys can play."

Just as he was about to turn back, He Chen felt something caught the clothes on his back.

The corner of his eye swept back——

It really was Yu Yuanyuan.

The little guy grabbed his knitted sweater and pulled it so long: "Come on, come on~~Let's learn together~~"

It can't be seen that she is small, but she has great strength. She must have poured all the food into her strength.

He Chen turned over and sat up, sighed twice, thinking of the egg tarts he ate tonight, the guilt made him get up obediently.

Walking around behind the two children, He Chen also imitated Jin Man's teaching just now, posing in a similar pose.

"Is that so?" He Chen was a little uncertain.

Jin Man first adjusted and checked the movements of the two children, and then looked at He Chen... unexpectedly, it's very standard? ?

"Hey, not bad."

For someone who is doing zama step for the first time, it is great to have this level of stability and standard.

"I've been filming a costume drama recently, so I learned a little bit." He Chen smiled sheepishly.

Jin Man cast her admiring gaze, nodded her head, put on her horse's stance, and threw a punch: "Be strong, use the combination of waist and arm..."


Even without turning her head, Jin Man could guess that the sound was the sound of some little Douding wrestling.

Turning her head and taking a glance out of the corner of her eye, she really saw Yu Yuanyuan rolling around on the ground.

Fortunately, the carpet in the glass house was thickly spread. After the little cub rolled, he quickly looked left and right, as if he was afraid of being seen ashamed.

Hastily rearranged the shape——

As everyone knows, all of this was clearly seen by He Chen behind.

Even Jin Man saw it!

Only Yu Yuanyuan thought that no one saw it! !
Jin Man pretended not to see it, and continued to punch in front, raise her leg, and turn sideways...

Every movement is difficult for Xiao Zai Zai to maintain balance.

Su Zhirui didn't know how to do it, so she just stood there dumbfounded.

Yu Yuanyuan is fine.

If you can't do it, you still want to do it, staggering, and seeing that you are about to fall again.

He Chen, who had been quietly watching Xiao Douding from behind, had quick hands and eyes, huffed and raised his foot to rest on Yu Yuanyuan.

Yu Yuanyuan sat on He Chen's feet silly.

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