The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 550 Brainstorming a Death Sentence

He Chen suddenly opened his eyes, his first reaction was that Yu Jinxiao was coming!

But after regaining his senses, he realized how ridiculous his idea was.

After a brief moment of peace of mind for two seconds, He Chen thought of the sleeping cub again, and hurriedly got up to open the door.

If the noble little Yuanyuan is woken up, then he may really be killed by a shark! !

As soon as he opened the door, a camera appeared at the door, facing him.

The idol cells in He Chen's bones were awakened, he quickly grabbed his messy hair a few times, and quickly tidied himself up through the reflection of the camera lens.

Although it's too late to make up and dress up, at least I can't look too embarrassed.

If he didn't sleep well last night, he wouldn't be unable to get up even when the alarm clock rang.

Before recording programs, he would get up early every day to put on makeup and hair in advance, and when the program started shooting early in the morning, he would appear on camera in his best condition.

But this time...

Can sleep comfortably after having a dream of being hunted down all night?
I'm afraid not.

"A new task is coming!" The staff smiled and handed them an envelope.

He Chen was about to open it, but the staff blocked his hand and emphasized: "We must open it together with the little guests."

"Yuanyuan is still sleeping." Looking at the little ball that got off the bed, he suspected that Yu Yuanyuan hadn't been woken up at all, and didn't respond at all!

What a godsend sleep!
"Call her up." The staff was very firm.

From their smiling faces, He Chen even saw a bit of evil imagination expecting him to die.

What if I can't wake up?
What if you get angry and lose your temper?
What if I cry?
What if she sued her father?
What if Yu Jinxiao troubled him?
Just to wake Xiao Zai Zai up, He Chen had already given himself a death sentence on the spot.

But the camera was shooting, and it seemed that if he didn't follow suit, the show couldn't continue.

He Chen was so nervous that he walked over with the same hands and feet, squatted beside the bed, and poked the little ball under the quilt with his finger: "Yuanyuan~~ Woke up~~"

"..." Except for the sound of breathing, the little guy didn't move.

Dude, did you sleep so dead?
The group of chattering people at the gate failed to wake her up?

He Chen aggravated it even a little bit, and poked it twice more: "Yuanyuan, get up."

"Have you had breakfast yet?" the voice of the little milk under the quilt muffled.

"It should be." He Chen was not sure, but at least after filming this part, there should be breakfast?

The little ball huddled in the quilt suddenly got excited, lifted the quilt, rolled flexibly and squatted on the bed: "What are you eating~~"

"Receive the task envelope first..."

Before He Chen finished speaking, Xiao Zai Zai slipped out of the bed by himself through the gap in the stool, put on his shoes and ran to the door to stand still: "Good morning everyone~~"

Xiao Zai Zai seemed to be looking at the camera, but he actually spoke to all the staff outside the door.

I didn't expect to receive such a lovely greeting early in the morning, and everyone had a happy smile on their faces.

"Yuanyuan, this is the first task for you and Brother He Chen today, you can open it and read it now."

He Chen squatted down, with that curious little round head beside his shoulder.

Although illiterate, she has a strong sense of atmosphere.

"The first task, get dressed, pack your luggage, and immediately go to the open space in the central area outside to gather. The first person to arrive can be the first to choose today's main task."

He Chen finished reading next to each other, and was about to rush out when he was reminded by the staff.

"Once you go out through this door, you can't come back, and the suitcase will be packed directly into the car." Perhaps they didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and the staff hurriedly explained, "If you don't pack anything in the suitcase, it will be packed." Stay here, so please be ready before going out."

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