The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 553 As expected of Yu Jinxiao's daughter

He Chen thought that the others had to tidy up for a while, so he already tried his best to speed up.

In the finale, he changed into a new outfit, put on makeup, and even had his hair blown.

When he came out of the bathroom, he was about to pack his luggage, but suddenly found that the glass house was very quiet, and there was no movement of the children.

After asking the staff, he found out that Yu Yuanyuan had gone out a long time ago and said that he was going to fight for the first place.

He Chen was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, he quickly packed his things and ran outside.

But... he was still the last one.

It's over, he actually let the noble Yuanyuan compete for the first place, and he won by himself! ! !

Even if she wasn't Yu Jinxiao's daughter, it would be embarrassing enough, okay?
He didn't participate in the game missions at all, as soon as he came out, he shared with Yu Yuanyuan the first place she won.

He Chen felt guilty all of a sudden, stepped forward and knelt down to hug Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan is awesome, I'm so useless."

"Brother delicious is useful!" Xiao Zai Zai seriously denied his words.

On the contrary, this tone aroused He Chen's curiosity, and subconsciously asked, "What's the use?"

"Brother Delicious wants to endorse many delicious foods, so that Yuanyuan can also eat delicious food ~ hehehe~" The little cub, who didn't know what delicious food he thought of, stared at He Chen with a happy look at the food.

He Chen, who was a head taller than Xiao Zai Zai, was suddenly frightened and shrank his neck.

Feeling that he is a tool person in Xiao Zai Zai's life grand plan? ?
The purpose is to earn endorsements for various snacks for her, all of which will be tributes to her!
No... as expected of Yu Jinxiao's daughter.

He Chen was in awe.

"It's getting late, everyone still has breakfast, so let's quickly draw lots and draw the main tasks for today." Xie Xin clapped his hands to gather everyone's attention.

The staff rolled out a board with five different cartoon symbols pasted on it, all of which were fruits.

This time it doesn't need to be decided by the children, but can be decided after everyone discusses it.

The first place is Yu Yuanyuan, she can be the first to choose.

Moreover, they can also get a reminder about the task after selecting it, so that their team can decide whether to change it or not.

There is one chance to change.

Facing strawberries, mangoes, grapes, peaches, and watermelons, Xiao Zai Zai chose strawberries without hesitation.

He Chen felt that strawberries were a bit dangerous, but he didn't know why, it was just his intuition that he wanted Xiao Zai Zai to choose peaches.

But Yu Yuanyuan seemed reluctant, holding up her claws and emphasizing, "Strawberries are delicious".

Please, boss, which fruit is the best to choose now! !

The other groups fared no better.

The children suspected that whichever fruit they chose, they could eat whatever fruit they could eat.

In the end, all adults can only compromise for children.

The first one to choose was Yu Yuanyuan, she really raised her paw and pointed at the strawberry: "Yuanyuan wants strawberries!"

Xie Xin nodded with a smile, and tore off the corresponding row of stickers under the strawberries, revealing five stars.

"Yuanyuan has chosen a five-star mission!"

The little boy who didn't understand at all tilted his head in doubt: "Is the five-star mission a magic horse?"

"This task is the most difficult of all tasks, but if you complete it, you will get the best reward," Xie Xin explained mysteriously, "it will be of great help to the next week's game."

When He Chen heard it, his head immediately started to buzz.

Five-star mission? ? ?

There are only five tasks in total, so choose the most difficult one?

No, you have to change, you have to change! ! !

Before he could make a sound, Xiao Zai Zai said again: "Wow, that sounds so cool."

No, not cool at all! !
"Yuanyuan, do you want to read a sentence of mission prompts?"


Xie Xin tore off a row of stickers below to reveal a reminder, there were only three key words: luck, 666, six.

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