The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 555 Be Her Most Loyal Servant

Being stared at by so many pairs of eyes, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly remembered the promise she made with her father, and naturally changed her tone: "Yuanyuan wants to take it back for Baba to eat~~"

Oh, it turned out that it was about taking it back, so it’s all right.


With a big family and a big business, they are still so economical, this little boy is really sensible.

The adults exhaled secretly, and quietly looked at the small ball in the distance with their eyes full of approval.

It's not easy to be so sensible at such a young age.

After breakfast, the group will go to different places to start today's task.

Before everyone parted, everyone received today's 100 mission fund, plus some needed props.

Looking at the three dice in his hand, He Chen felt the heavy fate on his shoulders, like an irresistible mountain.

It is necessary to find 6 people who roll three 6s to count as a success for today's task.

In particular, he had to end the recording here at five o'clock in the afternoon and rush to the crew urgently.

According to the difficulty of this task, I am afraid that it will not be completed until dark, right? ?
He Chen had almost foreseen that the rumors that he was playing big and being late would soon hit the Internet trending searches.

Just before departure, He Chen asked the other guests to toss side by side, but in the end they didn't even show up with two 6s, let alone three [-]s.

This miserable success rate has already made He Chen see in advance that the slim victory is beyond his reach.

"Yuanyuan, bye, we are going to complete the task." Su Zhirui and Yu Yuanyuan have a good relationship, and before parting, the two children had to say hello and hug each other, reluctant to part.

One tall and one short came to the street just waking up in the morning, looking at the passers-by coming and going, their eyes of different heights were full of confusion.

One cannot see the light of victory, the other cannot see the light of wisdom.

"Yuanyuan, are you coming or am I?" He Chen thought of himself lying down early in the morning, and felt a little sorry for Xiao Zai Zai.

"Come Yuanyuan, come Yuanyuan," the excited boy jumped up and down on the spot, and raised his palm like a steamed bun, "Yuanyuan can bring good luck!"

Lucky?Is there anyone so boastful?

But after thinking about it, He Chen carefully recalled what happened yesterday, and it seems... this little cub's luck is really good.

Could it be because he was too unlucky that all the dice rolled by the morning wave failed?
He Chen seemed to have grasped the crux of the problem, and decided to leave it to Xiao Zai Zai to deal with it, and he would be... her most loyal servant.

The little cub standing there seemed to be observing, looking left and right, with one paw covering the pocket where the biscuits were placed, and sniffing at the tip of his small nose.

After a while, the little face drooped in disappointment, looked at the toes, and suddenly stopped talking.

He Chen didn't even dare to vent his anger, so he could only obediently wait for Yu Zaizai to perform.

A few seconds later, Yu Yuanyuan walked towards a passerby in front of her, holding the custom-made pink dice that she couldn't fit in one hand.

The points on the dice are strawberries, one by one, and they look so cute.

If the mission wasn't so perverted, He Chen would think these three strawberries are cuter.

"Kids, are you filming a show?" Someone among the passers-by greeted Yu Yuanyuan, "Are you doing a mission?"

The man who called Yu Yuanyuan was about [-] years old, dressed very trendy, completely different from the group of people who focused on keeping warm.

He squatted down with a smile and looked at the three special dice.

"Yes, brother, do you want to help us with the task?" Xiao Zai Zai held the dice in front of him with his small claws.

The man smiled and asked, "How can I win?"

"I hit three 6s." He Chen rushed to answer.

The man was taken aback, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "You mean, if you roll three dice at the same time, they must all be 6 at the same time? Three sixes? 666?"

Xiao Zaizai, who usually has a slow brain reaction, is very quick today, nodding: "Yes~~Brother, you are so smart~~"

The man was stunned immediately, what kind of invincible and difficult task in the universe is this that tests luck? ? ?

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