The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 559 A Kind of Weird Dad

Chapter 559 A Kind of Weird Dad
The little cub stretched out his claws, as if begging for a hug.

If it wasn't for being caught by the camera, Yu Jinxiao would have knelt down and hugged the little glutinous rice balls under special circumstances.

But not now.

The moment Xiao Tangyuan came to her, Yu Jinxiao's mind suddenly cleared up, and he pushed her forehead with his palm, helping Xiao Zai Zai to "handbrake".

"It's dangerous to pull it out." Yu Jinxiao successfully took over the beginning of Yu Yuanyuan's word "pull", and changed the meaning of the words.

If you don't think about it carefully, it's quite... reasonable, and there seems to be nothing wrong!
Xiao Zaizai was shocked by his father's accent, and stared blankly at the tall man in front of him, familiar yet unfamiliar.

Dad is so fat!

Why didn't you see her all night, she spoke strangely, she looked so much like Yuanyuan!

Taking advantage of the camera's overhead shot of the little boy, Yu Jinxiao hurriedly lowered his head for a moment, raised his hand to press the brim of his hat, and winked at the little guy next to his legs.

Afraid that she wouldn't understand, she squeezed her eyes and then raised her eyebrows, and then rolled her eyes after raising her eyebrows.

The little cub who wanted to say hello to his father was suddenly frightened.

Why is Dad... weird, like a broken robot, with eyes, nose, brows all running to the wrong place! !
His eyes rolled around, his brows twitched, and his eyes were still very strange.

A little fear in the bottom of my heart scared back Yu Yuanyuan's original words.

She stared at the person in front of her for a long time, and after confirming the smell several times... she couldn't believe it was really her father!
A kind of weird dad.

"Eat... biscuits?" The frightened little Zai Zai suddenly changed his words, and took out the biscuits he had secretly saved from his pocket.

Yu Jinxiao originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw the small package carefully wrapped in paper towels, his heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't bear to refuse Xiao Zai Zai's kindness.

It looked like it was reserved for him.

It turned out that this little guy forgot about his father even before eating, at least his position with the still on an equal footing.

"Thank you." Yu Jinxiao took it and put it in his pocket, his tone and attitude were extremely cold.

In the eyes of others——

This grown-up is so fierce and too much, to be so indifferent to children! ! !

Even He Chen felt that the man in black was bullying him, so he clenched his fists angrily.

But in Yu Yuanyuan's heart——

Great, this is the original Baba~~
The ferocious Baba, the seldom-spoken Baba, the expressionless Baba~~
Baba is still the same Baba, and has not been replaced by aliens!
Xiao Zai Zai, who was frightened for a while, turned around happily, and ran back to find He Chen.

A certain idol who was upset grabbed the little boy and asked, "Yuanyuan, why did you give the biscuit to that person? Didn't you want to keep it for your father? That person looks fierce, so be polite." nothing."

Pi Li Pa La received a scolding of his father, and Xiao Zai Zai got angry and put his hands on his hips.

Probably because she was too angry, Yu Yuanyuan held back a lot of words to explain, but in the end she couldn't express herself clearly because the sentences were too complicated.

After holding back the words for a long time, they merged into one sentence: " have to take care of it!"

After spending two days with Xiao Zai Zai, He Chen always felt that Yu Yuan Yuan had a very good temper, so good that he was completely different from ordinary children.

Almost never angry or unhappy.

But he... seems to make Xiao Zai Zai angry by talking too much.

boom -

He provoked, angered, Yu Jinxiao, yes, daughter! ! !

Countdown to Death: Tick Tock...

(End of this chapter)

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