The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 561 So cute, who can stand it

Chapter 561 So cute, who can stand it

He Chen's heart trembled, and he secretly sighed in his heart: I really thank you, compare me to Yu Jinxiao! ! !
If I want his courage, I must &*@…E(*! Hmph!

Forget it, this is just thinking about it, he doesn't have that courage and status.

This kind of false imagination is not worth mentioning.

"Yuanyuan, what are you looking at?" He Chen ignored her exclamation, and changed the subject with a smile, "We still have to hurry up and do the task~"

"Yuanyuan is looking at that dog, and the flowers in the store," Xiao Zaizai lay on the glass door, watching eagerly, "Those flowers are so beautiful~"

He Chen soon discovered that this was not a simple exclamation!

Because Xiao Zai Zai looked at him while talking, as if asking him with his eyes if he could buy flowers.

Children are easy to become interested in everything, and it is not surprising that they like flowers.

If it wasn't for the recording of the program now, and the wallet and mobile phone were in his hands, He Chen would not hesitate to pay for it.


Today, they only have 100 mission funds!

Thinking of Xiao Zai Zai's big appetite, He Chen felt that the money should be used wisely... no, it should be used for jobs.

Try not to spend anything else you can’t.

He Chen, who usually spends tens of thousands on a set of clothes and hundreds of thousands on a brand-name jewelry, never would have imagined that today he would be reduced to saving money with his fingers.

I'm afraid this program is not a warm and healing program, but to guide people to be good and change bad habits!
"But, Yuanyuan, we don't have much money, and buying flowers won't be enough for lunch." He Chen tentatively reasoned with Xiao Zai Zai.

But it doesn't matter if she doesn't listen to the reason, she is Yu Jinxiao's daughter, no matter how lawless she thinks, this father will stand up to her.

But this little cub was surprisingly understanding. After hearing He Chen's words, he didn't lie down on the glass to watch, but walked back to hold his hand.

"Okay~" Xiao Naiyin was a little lost, but neither angry nor unhappy.

The plan was successful, but He Chen couldn't be happy at all.

He grabbed Xiao Zai Zai's Achilles' heel, and he could easily control and manipulate her.

But he felt like he was being manipulated by this little boy.

Seeing that she was so obedient and sensible, he couldn't bear to let her down and feel wronged.

"La la la~~ do the task~~" Yu Yuanyuan hummed the tune she made up, and walked forward waddlingly.

He Chen glanced at the clumsy little figure from behind, suddenly felt sour, and directly opened the door and entered the flower shop.

What Xiao Zai Zai was looking at just now was this lily. Buying one... shouldn't be expensive.

Xiao Zai Zai, who was walking slowly, was followed by a cameraman, and He Chen was never worried that she would get lost.

When he came out, the short legs didn't go very far, and they were even moving forward, as if they didn't notice that he wasn't following.

He Chen quietly hid the flowers behind his back: "Yuanyuan!"

The little round ball in front stopped and turned around with its feet: "Brother delicious, what's the matter?"

Ouch, cute, so cute, who can resist this!
He Chen's eyes were almost narrowed, he smiled and walked forward to squat down: "I'll give you a small gift, close your eyes."

"Wow, a gift!" The happy little Zaizai hurriedly stood upright, closed his eyes, and waited for the gift in an orderly manner.

Bringing the flowers hidden behind him to Xiao Zai Zai's eyes, He Chen said softly, "Okay."

Yu Yuanyuan slowly opened her eyes, and saw a white flower, as clean as snow, reminding her of herself in the fairyland.

Hey, it’s been a long time since I saw that white fur, I miss it so much.

"How could there be Fafa!" Xiao Zai Zai raised his claws in surprise, and took Hua Hua carefully.

I looked and looked with big eyes, so surprised that I couldn't believe it.

He Chen narrowed his eyes triumphantly: "Because Yuanyuan likes it, and it also likes Yuanyuan, so it came here."

(End of this chapter)

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