The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 563 The Lucky Power of Being Blessed by God

As soon as he heard the milk tea, Xiao Zai Zai suddenly got excited, shook his hand and said, "Brother, come on (come on)!"

"great, good luck!"

The little brother held the dice in his palm, closed his eyes and prayed quietly, and then threw his hand——

The pink dice spun and spun in mid-air, and kept spinning in circles after falling to the ground.

But there were too many dust and small stones on the ground, and the dice stopped on the ground within two turns.

The moment the result was announced, the surroundings were quiet, and it could even be called dead silence.

It was a tacit atmosphere in which many people were speechless after being shrouded in great shock.

Only Xiao Zaizai was "alive", she moved small steps, and counted the strawberries with her short fingers: "One~two~three~four~five~six~it's three sixes! "

Thank you, everyone has seen it, no need to emphasize it!
"God!" The little brother came back to his senses, pointed at the three sixes on the ground, and almost hugged Yu Yuanyuan and shook him, "I was actually confirmed by the kid!"

He Chen stared blankly at the three identical numbers 6, and suddenly felt a bit chilly around him.

This feeling of being crushed seems to be the response of a small animal being hooked from the depths of its bones when it suddenly encounters an extremely powerful force that is beyond the scope of cognition.

He actually had such an illusion in Yu Yuanyuan, a three-year-old baby!
The little brother rubbed his hands together, and excitedly patted Xiao Zai Zai on the head: "Great, this way, kid, you will win."

"Hey hey," the happy little cub smirked three times, and looked up at the high billboard, "Yuanyuan wants strawberry flavor, can you?"

"Ah?" He Chen was stunned.

"Huh?" The little brother was also stunned.

Why do you suddenly start to choose strawberry flavor? ?

Seeing the little brother's confused face, Xiao Zai Zai clasped his hands guiltily and explained: "Didn't my brother say that if you throw 666, you will invite Yuanyuan to drink milk tea?"

Yep, I was too excited to forget about this!
The little brother not only made a cup of milk tea for Yu Yuanyuan, but also made a sugar-free and low-fat milk tea with milk and fruit for He Chen.

One big and one small found a step under the shade of a tree, spread toilet paper, and sat down casually.

The little boy next door drank so much that he was completely absorbed in the milk tea, and didn't notice that there was a line of sight beside him silently looking at him.

While drinking milk tea, He Chen carefully narrowed his eyes to peek at Xiao Yuanyuan.

If one is a coincidence, then the two... or two connected, it is unlikely to be a coincidence, right?

Push it backwards again——

If everything is not a coincidence, it means that Yu Yuanyuan has the lucky power of being favored by God! ! ! !

Thinking back to the first time I saw Xiao Zai Zai, looking at that silly little friend, Yu Yuanyuan, who even had problems with comprehension, made He Chen extremely tired.

But now he just wants to look up to the sky and laugh wildly, he is the luckiest person in the world!

It should be easy to complete the task with Yu Yuanyuan, a lucky little ball. If there is a bit of luck... wouldn't it be more reliable than forwarding koi? ?

Thinking of this, He Chen suddenly squeezed the milk tea bottle vigorously and drank it all in one gulp.

After Gudu Gudu swallowed it all, he threw away the bottle, and He Chen who suddenly turned his head had a sly light in his eyes.

"Yuanyuan~~" He Chen's voice flattered five more degrees, "Are you tired, let me rub your back? Squeeze your legs?"

As he said that, before Xiao Zai Zai could express his opinion, He Chen had already squatted aside respectfully, not caring whether he was handsome or cool, and wholeheartedly tapped Xiao Zai Zai's feet and shoulders.

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