The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 568 Can This Thing Be Eaten?

"Fuck, is it real or not?" Passers-by were shocked by the result.

He Chen was very satisfied with the reactions of passers-by, he thought he was the same back then, but now he is used to Yu Yuanyuan's super good luck.

"If you don't believe me, remember to follow our show, and you'll know when the time comes, but there's nothing fake about it." He Chen pointed to Xiao Zai Zai who was packing up the dice, "You saw it too, this thing can't be controlled of."

Passers-by nodded in agreement: "That's true."

All the scenes of He Chen communicating with passers-by were captured by the cameraman. This is simply an excellent promotional clip.

After fooling the passers-by here, He Chen returned to the right track and went to give Yu Yuanyuan a rainbow fart.

"Yuanyuan, you're really amazing!" He Chen gave her a thumbs up as he spoke.

To show his heart, he raised his thumb high.

However, Yu Yuanyuan was not interested in He Chen's words at all, her big eyes were looking at the baby.

No, it should be said to be looking at what the baby is eating.

It was just a clear pacifier, nothing special.

But the way the little baby babbled made Yu Yuanyuan think that it was some kind of delicious good dengxi.

He Chen suddenly had a bad premonition, and hurried forward to hug Yu Yuanyuan into his arms, keeping her away from the baby: "Thank you for your help, thank you."

"You're welcome, then I'll take the baby home first." The woman hugged the baby, held the baby's hand and bowed to Yu Yuanyuan.

Cub Zai Zai is also very happy, like a puppy out of the gate, struggling to jump forward.

He Chen almost couldn't hug him!
Thanks to his years of hard training, the hard-worked muscles in his arms have played a super strong role at this moment.

Otherwise, he can't guarantee whether he can stop Yu Yuanyuan from rushing towards her.

When the person walked away, He Chen felt his arm was a little sore.

"Brother delicious, what was the little baby eating just now? She ate deliciously~~" Xiao Zai Zai stared into the distance, biting his finger in ecstasy.

"That food is not tasty."

"It's delicious, brother, has you ever eaten it?"

"..." How could he remember things from his childhood! ! !

"Yuanyuan's stomach is hungry," Little Claws rubbed his belly, looking into the distance sadly, "Brother Yummy, didn't you say you would eat lunch after completing half the mission?"


The task is 6 666, half of it has been completed now, it's time to fulfill the promise to Xiao Zai Zai.

He Chen thought it should be taken for granted at first, but suddenly...wrong!
This little cub has such a good memory?

Wait, she doesn't seem to be bad at arithmetic?
Then when the game is over, shouldn't she still remember to exchange numbers with him?

If he really changed his number, He Chen definitely couldn't bear to ignore Xiao Zai Zai.

She is Yu Jinxiao's daughter, this is the first; they will record in the future, this is the second.

No matter which aspect is considered, He Chen absolutely cannot treat Yu Yuanyuan coldly.

But, this crew is really not suitable for bringing Yu Yuanyuan in!
In case of a big storm, he can't handle it alone.

Thinking of the problems he might face in the future, He Chen's brain hurts a little.

It's that throbbing pain like a pinprick.

Help, who will save him!

It's better to use food to divert the cub's attention first, and then play it by ear!

He Chen immediately put on a caring smile and asked, "What would Yuanyuan want for lunch?"

The lily that I bought earlier was put in the hat behind the down jacket by Xiao Zai Zai, tilted beside her head, like a beautiful decoration, making Xiao Zai Zai's skin as creamy as cream.

"Yuanyuan wants to eat something spicy~!" The little boy who had long wanted to eat raised his paw and pointed.

He Chen looked around——

No, can this thing be eaten as a meal? ?

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