The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 578 Unless You Scold Me

Unavoidable to stay with Xiao Zai Zai to reveal his secrets, Yu Jinxiao hurriedly retreated to the crowd of onlookers with his notebook, pretending that he was just one of the sunflowers.

"Yuanyuan, as long as we succeed one more time, we will win!!!" He Chen and Xiao Zai Zai clapped their hands excitedly, his blood boiling with joy.

"Wow!" Xiao Zai Zai responded happily with his little steamed bun claw.

"It's only three o'clock now, and I should be able to go back on time at five o'clock." I was worried that the shooting would be delayed today, but according to the current progress, there should be no problem.

At least, no one would say that he was deliberately late to play a big game.

"Is the recording going to end?" Xiao Zai Zai was stunned, and frowned sadly, "Maybe we won't be able to see Brother Haoyue until next Saturday?"

"That's right, will Yuanyuan miss her brother?" He Chen, who didn't want to play tricks on children, suddenly wanted to test Xiao Zai Zai's tone.

He also really wanted to hear this cute cub say that he would miss himself, he would be very happy.

"Okay, when Brother Yuxi comes next week...will he bring some chocolate and cake?"

Isn't that right, you just bypassed the problem like this?

He Chen raised the corner of his mouth in embarrassment: "Of course, I must bring it."

"That's great, Yuanyuan will want to eat brother." Xiao Zai Zai changed his attitude in an instant.

So, if I say I can't bring it, you won't think about it?

At a young age, you will learn to negotiate terms!

As expected of Yu Jinxiao's daughter.

"Although Brother Haoyi can't see Yuanyuan for a week, but..." The little guy who was happy last second, his expression became serious, "If there are bad people bullying Brother Haoyi, Brother Haoyi can Tell Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan will...will..."

"What will happen?" He Chen couldn't help but want to laugh.

"I will help Hao Hao and scold them!"

"Wow, Yuanyuan can still curse?" He Chen pretended to be surprised.

The little cub who can't even speak coherently can still swear?He doesn't believe it.

Unless you scold me.

Even the little cub could see the suspicion in He Chen's eyes, he was so anxious that the little guy was like an ant on a frying pan.

"Yuanyuan really knows how to scold Yin, and Yuanyuan is fierce." Yu Yuanyuan held up her claws, pretending to be fierce, "Yuanyuan is obedient, she must learn to be fierce and swear."

"Ah? Did you learn the words of swearing from your father?" He Chen didn't expect this.

Not far away, Yu Jinxiao suddenly felt a little cold, especially when he saw Yu Yuanyuan chattering with He Chen from the back, he had an even more ominous premonition.

But he had retreated so far that he couldn't hear what they were saying.

"That's right, Yuanyuan can perform for you." Xiao Zai Zai proudly put his hips on his hips, and took a deep breath, as if he was sinking his dantian, preparing for the performance.

He Chen was stunned.

Swearing can still act?It was he who was ignorant.

He just wanted to say forget it, it's not a good thing to swear, and there is no need to be photographed, but...

Xiao Zaizai's stomach suddenly turned up, it was crunchy, and he opened his mouth with a whimper: "You are a broken rotten egg, you are a hairless little bald man, you talk like you have eaten embarrassing (smelly) tofu, are you Bad Tangtang covered in ants..."

isn't it?
Are you sure you learned all these swear words from your father - Yu Jinxiao?

He Chen made up Yu Jinxiao's face when he said these curse words, and immediately got goosebumps all over his body, and his whole body was not well.

Yu Jinxiao's cuteness is probably the scariest thing in this world.

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