The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 59 Am I Accompanying Her? ?I do not want!

Chapter 59 Am I Accompanying Her? ?I do not want!

Xiao Zai Zai is full of confidence, Yu Mingxi is not easy to hit, so he can only nod and let her do it by herself.

After taking the clothes, Yu Yuanyuan ran to the cloakroom, closed the door and changed by herself.

After about fifteen minutes, Yu Mingxi still didn't see any intention to open the door inside.

He stepped forward and knocked: "Yuanyuan, are you ready?"

"Put's ready." The voice inside sounded confident, and it seemed that there was no big problem.

With a creak, the door opened.

The light in the room is not very good, Yu Mingxi just took a look——

Yes, the clothes are in the right place, and the pants are also in the right place.

At least not upside down.

But after the toothpaste incident, he couldn't believe Xiao Zai Zai's ability, so he opened the curtain to let the sunlight in so that he could check.

Yu Mingxi's breath convulsed, and he was secretly thankful.

Fortunately, he is cautious enough!

Yu Yuanyuan confidently twirled around her waist, constantly showing off her dressing achievements.

The clothes are indeed worn on the upper body, but they are worn backwards and forwards, and the collar is strangled around the neck, making the head feel rounder and fluffier.

That pair of wide-leg pants was what made Yu Mingxi want to laugh the most.

The trousers are not made of soft material, but stylish denim fabric, which only reaches above the round ankle, and the overall effect is like a small skirt.

Probably because the wide-leg trousers were really used as a skirt, and Yu Yuanyuan's two legs were stuffed into one trouser leg, creating the effect of a sack.

The other trouser leg was hanging loosely on the back, and Xiao Zaizai didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and continued to circle around happily.

The trouser legs swayed and swayed, like a cat's tail.

"Yuanyuan, these are trousers." Yu Mingxi couldn't laugh or cry, "There is another trouser leg behind your back."

"Ah, really!" Xiao Zai Zai was dubious.

"There is also a top, the pattern on the back is worn on the front."

After grabbing the back twice with her hand, she really touched the other trouser leg, and then Yu Yuanyuan believed that she was wearing the wrong clothes, and hid in the cloakroom to change again.

When I came out again this time, the top was a top, and the trousers were trousers, and they finally returned to their normal positions.

"Yuanyuan thought that the tube just now was for a tail," Xiao Zaizai muttered, throwing the pot to the style of the pants, "but Yuanyuan doesn't have a tail now."

Yu Mingxi helped her comb her hair, and led Xiao Zai Zai downstairs to have breakfast.

Yu Jinxiao went out early in the morning, leaving the three children at home.

Yu Yingze just woke up, wearing pajamas without even combing his hair, washed his face and brushed his teeth, then went downstairs yawning.

The strong smell of food wafted from the dining table, and for a little boy like Yu Yuanyuan with a sensitive sense of smell, the allure of delicious food was directly magnified a hundred times.

"Second brother, stay safe." Seeing Yu Yingze, Xiao Zai Zai raised his hand and waved at him.

"What fake..." He just woke up and couldn't think, and was directly carried away by Yu Yuanyuan's doll voice.

Yu Mingxi smiled and helped Yu Yingze straighten her messy hair: "Yuanyuan is saying good morning."

"Oh." Yu Yingze passed them like a walking dead, and sat at the dining table in a daze.

Yu Yuanyuan looked at them anxiously and asked, "Where's Dad? Why doesn't Dad come to have breakfast? Did he oversleep?"

"Father has something to go out today, so he left early in the morning." Yu Mingxi said.

After breakfast, Yu Mingxi also went out.

He asked his classmates to go to the library to study together, packed himself early in the morning, and was ready to leave at any time.

It is said to be studying, but most of the time he helps others with tutoring.

Yu Mingxi's grades are very good, and he has already skipped many courses to learn the content of junior high school by himself.

Brushing teeth is not smooth, washing face and dressing are not smooth, but eating is the best for Yu Yuanyuan.

You don't need anyone to urge you to stare at me, just obediently eat up the prepared nutritious breakfast.

Because Yu Yingze hadn't woken up yet, he was procrastinating drinking milk, while Yu Mingxi had already taken his schoolbag and was ready to go out.

"Brother, where are you going!" Xiao Zaizai put down the tableware, and hurried to catch up without even wiping his mouth.

Seeing Little Yuanqiu Diandian running after him, Yu Mingxi felt depressed, squatted down and gave her a hug: "Brother is going to study, and he won't be home until late in the afternoon, today... second brother will accompany you today, okay?" it is good?"

If it wasn't for the fact that he had promised his classmates at school yesterday, Yu Mingxi really didn't want to leave home and leave Yuanyuan.

This feeling is the same as the owner of a cat.

She watched so helplessly, who would have the heart to leave her alone at home!
"What???" Yu Yingze woke up from his drowsiness, "I'll accompany her?? I don't want to!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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