The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 590 Delicious brother is not a villain

Chapter 590 Delicious brother is not a villain
Yu Jinxiao's only luck is that he is not in Yu Yuanyuan's food chain.

What if, one night, when I opened my eyes, I suddenly saw a slobbering little cub lying beside the pillow...

No matter how cute that face is, I'm afraid it will also be creepy.

Yu Yuanyuan only left for two days and one night, but everyone in the villa missed her very much.

The home without Xiao Zai Zai is deserted and quiet, like an empty box that has lost its popularity, without the excitement and warmth of home.

But now that Yu Yuanyuan has just stepped into the villa, the feeling of warmth and vitality returns instantly.

For Xiao Zaizai, this is her home, but for everyone, home is where she is.

"Yuanyuan, do you miss me?" Yu Mingxi squatted down, picked up the little cub before everyone else, and tilted that little cute body waiting for the answer.

"Think about it," Yu Mingxi hugged her fleshy little paws, "Yuanyuan misses brother so much~~"

"Hey, I thought your little brain would only think about delicious food." Yu Yingze, who pretended not to care, whispered beside him.

"Second brother~~" Xiao Zaizai suddenly stretched out his claws, his fleshy fingers stretched out desperately, like a little cat's pad, "Yuanyuan misses you too~~ Do you miss Yuanyuan? "

Being asked such embarrassing words in public, Yu Yingze frowned and his cheeks were a little red.

He didn't want to admit that Yu Yuanyuan was not at home for the past two days, and he was bored every day.

Especially when passing by the door of her room, the eyes always look inside unconsciously, and the heart will become empty when looking at the empty room.

Usually, there are always the laughter of the little cubs and the dubbing of Jijiguagua playing alone in the room.

Suddenly, the people and voices in that house disappeared.

For little Yu Yingze, this sudden change made him very uncomfortable.

"Think about it," Yu Yingze replied blushing, hesitating, "Everyone misses you."

Share the embarrassment with everyone, so that you won't be embarrassed!

Hearing that everyone was thinking about themselves, Xiao Zai Zai was very happy, and his appetite was larger than usual. He ate everything that Aunt Chen and Sister Bei had prepared in advance.

"Miss Yuanyuan is very popular on the Internet recently," Aunt Chen stood aside and sighed with Uncle Yang, "Our Miss Yuanyuan will be a big star in the future."

Xiao Zai Zai, who didn't know the benefits of being a big star at all, was not interested at all, and buried his head in eating, with several grains of rice hanging from his small mouth.

It's just a weekend that I haven't seen each other. When I went to kindergarten on Monday, Yu Zaizai felt that everyone seemed a little different.

Parents and passers-by at the school gate always looked at her intentionally or unintentionally, and the children also greeted her enthusiastically, asking about the filming of the program.

On the contrary, Chu Qi only cared about her recording situation, Wen Zifei didn't even ask, it was still the same as usual.

Gu Beiyan was also curious at first, but his interest was mainly in Yuanyuan, and he didn't know much about the show.

It seems that everyone has changed, only Chu Qi, Wen Zifei and Gu Beiyan are still the same as before.

A child's heart is easily sensitive. Sudden changes in the environment and people she is accustomed to, or not small changes, will make her feel at a loss and feel insecure.

Fortunately, her three best friends have not changed.

"Yuanyuan, I saw on your phone that you were filming a show, it's amazing."

"Yuanyuan, will you make TV dramas and become a big star in the future?"

"The big brother who is with Yuanyuan is very handsome."

"Oh, He Chen, my brother said he is a villain and will bully fans."

The children asked too many questions, and Yu Yuanyuan couldn't answer them all at once.

However, when she heard someone say bad things about He Chen, she accurately captured the most important information, and said anxiously: "No, brother delicious is not a bad guy."

(End of this chapter)

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