The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 596 Can You Come Tomorrow?

Chapter 596 Can You Come Tomorrow?
Shen Ji stroked his drooping head unhurriedly: "He Chen is an actor, he has to do a lot of things for work; Mr. Yu is busy with work, and he may miss the phone occasionally; even for me, when I am in class during the day , I'm afraid I won't be able to receive Yuanyuan's call in time."

Listening to the gentle explanation above his head, Xiao Zai Zai raised his head and tried hard to digest every word Shen Ji said.

"If it's Yuanyuan, you may not be able to answer the phone when you are sleeping, and you may miss it when you are taking a shower. This doesn't mean you hate it, does it?"

"That's right!" Xiao Zai Zai suddenly realized and nodded in cooperation.

"Yuanyuan doesn't need to care too much about what other people think, as long as she knows who loves you and who treats you well, that's enough."

Shen Ji didn't want this little little Douding to be unhappy because of some unimportant people.

There are many people who really treat her well, and those are the ones worthy of her attention.

"Yuanyuan said!" Xiao Zaizai became happy, and his little claws danced cutely, "Baba is very good to Yuanyuan, brother Shen Ji is very good to Yuanyuan, and there are elder brother and second elder brother~ and Gao Su Crispy, and…”

The emotional little cubs counted one by one, chattering and chattering seemingly boring words.

Shen Ji didn't interrupt her, but patiently accompanied Xiao Zai Zai to name, nodded slightly, silently echoing every word she said.

As if whoever said less would be sorry for others, Yu Yuanyuan counted for a long time, then checked again with her fingers, and after making sure that no one was missed, she pursed her lips in satisfaction and showed a smug smile.

"With so many people being kind to Yuanyuan, is there no need for Yuanyuan to care about unhappy things?"


Shen Ji successfully used his own method to cheer up Yu Yuanyuan.

"The happy Yuanyuan, do you want to play something else?" Shen Ji felt that it was time to get into today's topic - tutoring.

Yu Yuanyuan obediently climbed back to the chair and sat down, with her little claws neatly placed on her knees, as if she was teaching in a kindergarten.

Every day before tutoring, Shen Ji would first understand what Yu Yuanyuan learned in school, and then help her deepen the content the teacher taught, and then consolidate the content that she did not master well before.

The happy Xiao Yuanyuan listened carefully to the lecture, and her attention was soon brought into the field of study by Shen Ji.

Time passed quickly, after eating and tutoring, Yu Yuanyuan had just sent Shen Ji out when the phone and watch in his hand sang happily.

The call came suddenly, and Xiao Zai Zai didn't have time to see who was calling, so he quickly clicked through and put it on his ear: "Crooked~"

"Yuanyuan?" He Chen's voice came from the phone.

"Wow, brother delicious!!" Yu Yuanyuan meowed into the phone.

He Chen's ears were almost deaf, so he quickly moved the phone away: "Is there something wrong with Yuanyuan calling me? Or do you just want to chat with me?"

Xiao Zaizai forgot why he called He Chen before, and was silent for two seconds.

That's right, she wants to watch Brother Haoyi's filming!

"Brother Yuyi, Yuanyuan wants to ask, can Yuanyuan go and watch your filming?" The little boy's voice was full of excitement, which made He Chen feel dizzy.

He glanced at someone beside him, clutched his phone and moved aside: "But..."

"It's okay if it's inconvenient." Xiao Zai Zai, who was relieved by Shen Ji, said loudly.

Xiao Zai Zai didn't roll around, forcing him to agree, but it made He Chen feel even more uncomfortable.

In particular, Yu Yuanyuan wanted to watch his filming!
He Chen frowned and pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Tomorrow is fine, can Yuanyuan come tomorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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