The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 62 You are the cutest and listen to you

Chapter 62 You are the cutest and listen to you
Yu Yuanyuan's hands are round like her name.

It was also the first time for Yu Yingze to hold her hand. It reminded him of the mango cake in the cake shop. It was so soft that he worried that if he tried a little harder, the stuffing would leak out, so he didn't dare to use too much force.

On the contrary, Xiao Zai Zai was very obedient, holding his hand and chatting happily along the way.

As for what he said... Yu Yingze didn't catch a single word.

He dealt with it one after another, Yu Yuanyuan didn't disappoint at all, and showed him this and that with great interest along the way, like a puppy going out for the first time.

The old place agreed with my friends is by a fountain in the villa area.

It is far away from the accommodation area, and there are many green plants and trees nearby, as well as some complex landscaping areas, which are suitable for children and adults to take a walk and play.

"Hey, you brought your sister too," the tallest little boy said a little happily, "does she want to play with us too?"

"She's not my sister," Yu Yingze denied falteringly, "her name is Yuanyuan, my brother is not here, I have to help look after her."

"Brothers are good," Xiao Zaizai said hello to everyone in a loud voice, "Can Yuanyuan play with the brothers?"

As if she was afraid that everyone would reject her, she hesitated and mumbled again, emphasizing loudly——

"Yuanyuan will never drag everyone down!"

Yu Yingze: "..." I wanted to send you home on the spot.

The little friend was stunned for a while, always feeling that this was a bit wrong.

Everyone exchanged glances, and it took a long time before they realized that the problem was the "dog leg".

"It's a hindrance, not a dog's leg." Yu Yingze emphasized tiredly.

He is just a little friend, why should he be tortured like this.

"Hahahahaha, Yuanyuan is so cute!" The friends laughed together, completely different from Yu Yingze's tired painting style, "Then how about we play peek-a-boo? This is simpler and more friendly to Yuanyuan."

"Yes, yes, you have to make do with Yuanyuan, those tiring and complicated things can be played next time."

"This is good, my cousin also likes to play this."

Before Yu Yingze could say anything, several friends had thoughtfully selected games for Yu Yuanyuan, and she was the main one.

The little paw that relied on his brother has been catching since he went out, and at this moment he actually let go, and instead grabbed the tall boy who proposed: "Big brother, do you need a cat to hide and seek? Yuanyuan is Maomao, Yuanyuan will be a cat!"

The little boy is the only child in the family, he has no younger siblings, and has never been spoiled.

This little cute cub couldn't resist the attack, so he immediately surrendered on the spot.

"Okay, okay, does Yuanyuan know how to play?" The little boy's mind was full of "You are the cutest and I will listen to you".

Yu Yuanyuan was stunned, and brought "peek-a-boo" into her own thinking: "Yuanyuan acts like a cat and then hides, right?"

"No, peek-a-boo. One person acts as a 'ghost', and the rest hide. The person who acts as a 'ghost' has to find out the hiding people next to each other. This way, he wins."

Ah, it's a ghost, a cat, and a human.

Cub Zai Zai's brain is going to be overloaded!

When Yu Yingze saw her appearance, he didn't understand. Being deeply persecuted, he could read Zai Zai's information quickly and accurately, and immediately made a summary: "So, I'll be a ghost, you guys go hide, Yu Yuanyuan you Go and hide too, if I catch you, you will lose, you know?"

"Then do you want to set a time limit?" Someone suggested.

Probably because the game is too simple and needs to be set a little harder.

"Bai Xuan has a watch, he will time it, and it will officially start at 10:30."

"Okay, the time to hide is 30 seconds, and the time to be a ghost is 10 minutes. If you don't find everyone, the 'ghost' loses!"

"Hmph, I'm sure you won't find me."

When the time came, the friends scattered, and Yu Yingze also read the numbers aloud, giving them a chance to hide.

After counting 30, Yu Yingze turned around and saw the little milk bag standing behind him stupidly.

(End of this chapter)

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