The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 656 Does The Moon Match The Stars?

Chapter 656 Does The Moon Match The Stars?
Xiao Zaizai's mouth made an "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"" and immediately wiped it off as if nothing had happened, and continued to cheer up: "It's okay, we won't make mistakes again this time."

"Let's go, let's go there right away." He Chen wanted to cover Yu Yuanyuan's mouth, lift Xiao Douding into his arms and run away.

This time, they found the correct street. According to the map, it should be at the location of the big tree ahead.

But when they approached, there were already two figures, one big and one small, just right there.

"Why are you here?" He Chen held Yu Yuanyuan between his arms and asked suspiciously.

Jin Man was standing in front of a cardboard box, and Su Zhirui was also squatting in front of the sealed cardboard box to look curiously.

"Passing by, I saw a box here and thought it was a clue, but we're not sure we can open it, so I can only wait and see here." Obviously Jin Man also had doubts about them, and immediately pulled Su Zhirui to her side.

Su Zhirui didn't have any sense of urgency, as soon as she saw Yu Yuanyuan, she immediately burst into laughter: "Yuanyuan~~~~"

"Rui Rui~~~"

The two children were about to run towards each other, but the adults stopped them by twisting their collars.

"Yuanyuan, have you forgotten how I reminded you?" He Chen covered his mouth and whispered into Yu Yuanyuan's ear.

"Ah?" Xiao Zai Zai's confused eyes have long since lost the memory of just now.

He Chen was so used to it that he became numb: "Right now, other people may be shark hands and accomplices. If you get close to them, if you are killed..."

"But Ruirui is Yuanyuan's good friend."

"I'm playing a game now," He Chen shook the cub, as if trying to shake out the innocence in her head, "The bad guys won't tell us that they are bad guys, we have to be careful, understand?"

"Ming... I understand." Xiao Zai Zai stammered.

Su Zhirui was also reminded quietly by Jin Man, and they retreated together to keep a certain distance, but did not leave.

It seemed that she really wanted to know what was in the box.

He Chen was afraid that they would be attacked by surprise, so he nudged the little boy with his elbow: "Yuanyuan, go and open the box, I'll cover your back."

"Oh!" Yu Yuanyuan nodded obediently, ran to the cardboard box and pulled it a few times with her claws, feeling aggrieved, "Yuanyuan can't tear it apart~"

"Sister will open it for you." The staff came over with scissors and helped Yu Yuanyuan cut the transparent glue sealed on it.

The cardboard box was not big, with a red cross drawn on it exactly like the one on the map.

"Yuanyuan, have you opened it?" He Chen stretched out his arms to protect Yu Yuanyuan's small back.

"Wow, there's a rock inside." Yu Yuanyuan got up on her knees, and held up the things in her hand for He Chen to see.

Not only He Chen saw it, but Jin Man saw it too.

It was a jade pendant, shaped like a crescent moon, with no pendant underneath, but a red lanyard on top.

"It's the moon jade pendant," Jin Man seemed to want to chat with them and share information, "Could it be implying something..."

He Chen moved to the side, and saw the blood-red words written in the cardboard box where the jade pendant was placed: Killer's Jade Pendant.

All the clues they got were items related to the killer!

It's just that the direction of this jade pendant doesn't seem to be particularly clear.

"Hey, this is the moon stone." Su Zhirui bit her finger and said, "Does the moon have to match the stars?"

"Then among us, is anyone wearing a star jade pendant?" He Chen asked casually.

Jin Man's tightly locked brows suddenly loosened: "I remember that Ling Zi seems to be wearing a star-shaped jade pendant."

(End of this chapter)

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