The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 686 One Hand Slips into the Lounge

Chapter 686
Today's He Yitong has a scene, she has already put on her makeup and style, and is about to start filming her own role.

As soon as he heard Yu Zaizai coming, He Yitong pretended not to care, his eyes obviously radiated a different light.

The others watched the cute Zai Zai openly, and she quietly watched Zai Zai by practicing walking and chatting about scripts.

Hey, I'm so tired, obviously she is Zai Zai's mommy!

Look at a cub and be quiet, like a thief.

Yu Yuanyuan also saw Ma Ma at a glance, it was the first time she saw Ma Ma wearing such a beautiful ancient costume, her little paw involuntarily raised a finger: "Okay... so beautiful, so beautiful!"

Everyone looked in the direction the little finger was pointing at, and it turned out to be He Yitong!

Immediately, the crowd fell silent, and even He Chen held his breath.

He didn't know what he was nervous about, but he was affected by the surrounding atmosphere and made him unable to control himself.

The director also froze for a few seconds, then hugged Yu Yuanyuan and sat in the director's seat: "Isn't it beautiful? This look was designed by a famous stylist, and there are many other beautiful looks. Yuanyuan wants to see it." ?"

"Want to see, want to see!" Xiao Zai Zai resisted the urge to call "Ma Ma" and nestled in the director's arms obediently.

He Yitong didn't react too aggressively, she didn't shake her face or lose her temper, it seemed...she didn't have the big reaction they imagined to Yu Yuanyuan's appearance.

The atmosphere gradually calmed down, so everyone returned to their positions and continued to be busy with filming.

He Chen had a headache just now, if it's his turn, who will take care of God Yuanyuan.

It's all right now, she sat directly at the director's seat, with that serious appearance, she is completely a little director!

Probably because Yu Yuanyuan is very obedient, the director didn't mean to drive her away at all, but reminded her that she can't make any sound after hearing "action", and she can speak freely after shouting "cut".

Xiao Zai Zai nodded obediently. Facts have proved that no matter whether it was filming or the end of filming, the little guy covered his mouth and watched the filming quietly.

I don't know why, but when watching the filming, the director saw a different light from those big eyes.

Although young, there seems to be a natural interest in filming in those eyes.

It was the first time for Yu Yuanyuan to watch Ma Ma filming, wow, Ma Ma filmed, as if she had become another person, so annoying!

Is this the fun of filming?
Soon, He Yitong's role was over, and it was He Chen's turn to do the rest.

Before he went on stage, he glanced at Yu Yuanyuan, well, under the director's nose, there shouldn't be a big problem.

"Susu, Yuanyuan wants to go to the bathroom." Yawning, Xiao Zai Zai received Ma Ma's sight call, and she found an excuse to sneak away.

"Xiao Yang, you bring Yuanyuan..."

"No need, Yuanyuan knows the bathroom is over there, so Yuanyuan can go there by herself." Saying that, Xiao Zai Zai stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the lounge.

"Can you really do it alone?"

"Of course!" Saying that, Xiao Zai Zai firmly walked towards the lounge with his seemingly reliable back.

After entering the long corridor, Yu Yuanyuan sniffed, sniffing the numbing smell and came to He Yitong's lounge door with a grunt.

"Da da." The little paw clacked twice, and the door opened.

One big and one small waited silently across the door frame, after making sure that no one was passing by or nearby, He Yitong slipped Yu Yuanyuan into the lounge like lifting a bench.

(End of this chapter)

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