The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 689 This humble little appearance is really pitiful

Chapter 689 This humble little appearance is really pitiful
After searching the Internet for what Heimlich's first aid method is, He Yitong made gestures with his hands a few times and studied for a while without any real objects.

He Chen led Yu Yuanyuan to the side, not daring to show his air.

"Okay, don't eat this plum." He Yitong felt terrified when he thought of Zai Zai's appearance just now, "It will be dangerous if it gets stuck again."

"For children, you really shouldn't eat this." He Chen didn't flatter you, but agreed from the bottom of his heart.

But Yu Yuanyuan was willing to hand over the delicious things, holding the packaging bag with her claws, with a pitiful expression on her face, reluctant to part.

With her appearance, He Yitong and He Chen couldn't bear to snatch the things back.

But for Zai Zai's sake...

Just when He Yitong was about to snatch the bag away, He Chen suddenly picked up the fruit knife on the table, pulled a tissue and put it on the table.

"Cut off the pulp, throw away the core, and you can eat it."

After brushing and brushing a few times, He Chen quickly helped to scrape off the pulp and put it on the paper towel.

Xiao Zai Zai looked forward to it, smiling and inviting them to eat while eating by himself.

With He Shen here, He Yitong couldn't express his true emotions to Zai Zai, so he could only pretend to be alienated and eat it by himself.

Until now... He Chen didn't realize a problem.

How could Yu Yuanyuan eat in He Yitong's room and almost got stuck?
Probably because he was too nervous, some abnormal problems no longer had a sense of existence in his heart.

"Yuanyuan, don't run around on the set," He Chen reminded her while scraping the green tea plums, "If you get lost, Uncle Gao Zhou will beat me to death."

"No, Uncle Gaozhou doesn't make money." Xiao Zai Zai emphasized with a smile.

He Yitong was taking off his make-up by himself, with Erlang's legs crossed, making up his sword quietly: "Gao Zhou can hit ten at a time, and with He Chen's body, he can separate his head from his body."

Divide... Divide! ! !
He Chen was so frightened that he hurriedly sat down with Yu Yuanyuan, as if he was afraid that she would suddenly disappear later.

"God... what a horse! Gao Susu is so scary!" The cub whose cognition was shaken was so frightened that the green tea plum pulp fell off.

One big and one small were stunned on the sofa at the same time, their expressions were extremely consistent.

Except for He Yitong, no one knows more about Gao Zhou than her!

Hehe, she is the one who holds part of the script.

"Mama, that's the hair that Yi Susu sent me!!!" When the little boy who was eating plums looked up, he saw a large bouquet of beautiful pink flowers on the dressing table.

Hearing Yu Yuanyuan shouting, He Yitong was numb, and He Chen immediately went to cover that small, uncovered mouth.

"Mmmmm." Subsequent questions turned into muffled syllables.

He Yitong raised his eyebrows from the mirror and looked at them: "It's none of your business."

"Okay~" Xiao Zai Zai bowed his head cowardly, and continued to eat plums.

After removing her makeup, He Yitong was about to leave. According to the current situation, she had no chance to be alone with Zai Zai again.

Seeing He Chen's nervous look, he wished he could tie Yu Yuanyuan to his trouser pocket with a rope.

"Okay, I'm leaving." He Yitong took off her makeup, changed her clothes, and walked out with her handbag.

Yu Yuanyuan's small figure followed: "Bye bye~~~~"

Before He Chen could get out in a hurry, He Yitong flashed back, blinked at Yu Yuanyuan, smiled and quickly waved her palm a few times.

But as soon as He Shen came out, her expression changed instantly, she was cold and indifferent, as if she didn't pay attention to Xiao Zai Zai at all.

He Chen could tell that Yu Zaizai really wanted to get closer to He Yitong, but in his opinion, this humble little appearance was really pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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