The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 694 Yuanyuan doesn't stick needles!

Chapter 694 Yuanyuan doesn't stick needles!

"There are no ducks, but Yuanyuan really has rice!" Xiao Zai Zai panicked.

But after less than two seconds of panic, she suddenly realized, why panic?
If it was possible to tell Baba, Mama and she would have told Baba a long time ago. Isn't it because they can't tell that it became a secret?
Yu Zaizai, who had calmed down, was sized up repeatedly by Yu Jinxiao with squinted eyes, as if he was studying some unearthed ancient relic.

After ruling out the possibility of Zai Zai lying, Yu Jinxiao hugged her into his arms again, and said in a gentle voice, "Then did anything happen in the crew?"

"Yuanyuan watched filming!"

"I'm talking about other things, except filming."


"Except for those two things."

Yu Yuanyuan thought over and over in her head for a long time, but she didn't feel that there was anything special enough to explain to Baba.

"Have you seen your mother?"

"See you." Well, that's okay to say.

"After you see it, tell me all about what happened."

Yu Yuanyuan's eyes were dull, falling into a state of mechanical screening.

You can't talk about filming, and you can't talk about eating. After seeing Ma Ma, she mainly does these two things!

Oh yes!Apart from these two things, there seems to be one more thing that can be said.

"Yuanyuan got stuck while eating plums." Xiao Zaizai said with a relaxed face, but Yu Jinxiao's eyes seemed to kill someone.

Stuck with plums? ? ?

This is a big deal!If you don't come to deal with it urgently, you will lose your life!

"Then what? How did you make it?" Yu Jinxiao's eyes were dark, he was sitting on the bed a lot taller than Yu Zaizai, his cold and stern gaze fell on the top of that little head.

Yu Zaizai didn't know what was going on, but he felt his head was getting cold, as if there was a wind blowing.

"Mama slapped Yuanyuan on the back, and the nuclei flew out."

Xiao Tangyuan spoke in a relaxed tone, but Yu Jinxiao's face became increasingly ugly when he heard it.

Such a thrilling thing happened when I was not around!
However, after hearing Yu Zaizai's words, Yu Jinxiao felt that things were different from what was uploaded on the Internet.

"Didn't Ma Ma hit you?" Yu Jinxiao's brows gradually relaxed, as if seeking an answer that he firmly believed in.

Yu Yuanyuan was stunned: "There is no duck, why does Ma Ma play Yuanyuan?"

Sure enough, none of the information on the Internet is true.

At the banquet before, He Yitong's attitude towards Yu Yuanyuan was not as disgusting as he thought, on the contrary, the atmosphere between the two had a delicate balance.

Yu Jinxiao knows He Yitong very well, she is definitely not a person who plays tricks in person.

"Open your mouth, let me take a look." Yu Jinxiao took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, and shone it on that small mouth.

Yu Zaizai obediently "Ah~".

This small mouth is too small, Yu Jinxiao can only see the potato chips hanging on the skin of her mouth.

"Forget it, I'll take half a day off tomorrow, and I'll take you to the hospital for an examination." After saying that, Yu Jinxiao got up and was about to go out, when the little guy behind him jumped up and screamed.

"Don't—Yuanyuan doesn't prick needles!"

The small body shrank into the quilt, not even caring about the potato chips, and shivered pitifully under the quilt.

I have to say, this really cute.

Yu Jinxiao calmly took out his mobile phone, clicked a photo, and then sat down to comfort him: "It's nothing, just let the doctor see if your throat is injured."

"No injury, no injury, it's really gone!" Xiao Zai Zai shook his claws nervously, backing away again and again.

"It's not that if you say no, you don't have it. You need a doctor to check it."

"Meow—Yuanyuan won't go!"

(End of this chapter)

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