Chapter 7 Brother Hug!

The laughter lasted less than two seconds, and Yu Jinxiao's eyes immediately made the atmosphere fall into dead silence.

"Ah." Nanny Yu Yuanyuan snorted, stretched out her hand to pull her claws away, she pulled lightly, but the thread was still caught between her nails, and the hole was even bigger.

Yu Jinxiao felt his eyebrows twitching uncontrollably, knelt down and grabbed his little hand, and pulled out the thread.

As a result, the little milk bag took the opportunity to hug his neck, and immediately hung on it and couldn't move.

The round eyes looked at him seriously, and a smile broke out on the chubby little face: "Dad, are you going home?"

Gao Zhou suppressed his smile, feeling a bad premonition.

There were only busy voices around, Yu Jinxiao was quiet for a long time, his eyes scanned the environment here, and slowly returned to Yu Yuanyuan.

The little Naibao blinked her eyes, hugged him softly with her little hands, her eyes were full of dependence and expectation, making one unable to bear to extinguish the light in her pupils with her own hands.

"Gao Zhou, you go to go through the formalities. I will take her home temporarily tonight. If I can contact her family, I will send someone to take her home." After finishing speaking, Yu Jinxiao walked straight out holding Yu Yuanyuan, leaving his eyes behind. Gao Zhou, who was stunned, took a long time to understand Yu Jinxiao's plan.

How strange!

After following Mr. Yu for so long, it was the first time he saw Mr. Yu caring about an unimportant person.

Before that, he obviously suspected that someone had deliberately sent Yuanyuan to touch porcelain.

Sitting in the car, Yu Yuanyuan's sleepiness disappeared, and she talked a lot in a small mouth, until Gao Zhou finished the formalities and came out, she was still hanging on Yu Jinxiao, laughing and having fun.

If he hadn't seen Yu Jinxiao looking at Yu Yuanyuan's milk baby pendant with a blank expression, Gao Zhou would really have suspected that his husband had secretly teased the little milk bag just now!
Such a cute little cute baby, who can resist the ordinary people to ignore it!
Of course, his husband can, and his husband is an ordinary person.

"Mr. Yu, do you want to go home directly?" Gao Zhou was afraid that he might make a mistake, so he asked again before driving.


While turning the steering wheel, Gao Zhou peeked at the sky...

Mr. Yu today is so abnormal, all kinds of behaviors are abnormal, and now he even brought the little milk bag home!
Shouldn't it be raining red tomorrow?
"Baba, we..."

"Don't call me daddy, I'm not your daddy."

"You are my father, I heard you say your name is Tulip!"

Tulip, oh no, Yu Jinxiao's indifferent face: "It's Yu-Jin-xiao!"

Yu Yuanyuan studied silently for a few seconds, and then repeated confidently: "Yu-jin-xiang!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." That's all, he doesn't want to waste time arguing with the brat.

On the way home, Gao Zhou drove steadily and fast, as if he was afraid that Yu Jinxiao would regret throwing the child back to the police station, and arrived home ten minutes earlier than usual.

"Mr. Yu..." Gao Zhou opened the car door and bowed slightly respectfully.

Taking advantage of the cover of the car door, he squinted at Yu Yuanyuan secretly.

From a close distance, this little milk bag looks like a doll, with fluffy and soft hair, just the right length for a ponytail.

Probably dozed off at the police station, and the ponytail was crooked, looking a little happy.

Up to now, she is still holding the banana milk box that Yu Jinxiao bought for her before. There is nothing in it, so she just holds it and plays with it like a baby.

"Uncle!" Sensing that Gao Zhou was looking at her, Yu Yuanyuan smiled and waved at him.

This wave made Gao Zhou feel a little embarrassed, and gave a dry laugh twice.

"Thank you for taking us home, see you tomorrow!" Xiaopang tried her best to wave her hand towards Gaozhou, even if she was carried away by Yu Jinxiao, she still shook her head like a sunflower, adjusted her direction and lay down on her shoulders to continue talking with Gaozhou Claw claws.

His heart seemed to have been hit violently by something, and Gao Zhou raised his hand uncontrollably and shook it in response.

So cute! !
Does such a cute little baby really exist in the world! !
Yu Jinxiao ignored Gao Zhou's shock from the cute baby, and walked directly into the gate of the villa with Yu Yuanyuan in his arms.

The servants gathered around as usual: "Mr. Yu..." Before he could finish his welcome words, he looked up and saw a small milk bag hanging around his neck, "...?"

The words were immediately frightened.

what's the situation? ?

Fake doll?
Yu Yuanyuan didn't move at first, but when she noticed the sudden silence around her, she deliberately whispered: "Father, is this your new home?"

The servants feel their heads explode, Dad? ? ?

Did you hear me right, this kid is called Mr. Yu's father? ? ? ?
"Father, are you back?" A boy walked down the next step, eleven or twelve years old, handsome and handsome, with gentle brows and gentle eyes, tall and straight but somewhat tired.

Attracted by the voice, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly dropped the milk carton in her hand, and opened her arms towards the boy: "Brother—hug!"

The boy was taken aback and froze on the spot: "...?"

(End of this chapter)

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