Chapter 70
How can you not eat!

People are iron and rice is steel, if you don't eat a will be hungry if you don't eat for ten minutes! !
Yu Yuanyuan was worried about her father, picked up her small pink bowl and cartoon spoon, inhaled a storm, and looked for the bowl with her head.

Another dish that is not very spicy.

Yu Yingze didn't have much appetite at first, but someone beside him ate so deliciously that he ate a big bowl too.

"Isn't Dad coming down to eat?" Yu Yuanyuan still had rice grains hanging from the corner of his mouth, and cared about Dad by the way.

Yu Mingxi knew his father's habits, as long as he was working, he didn't care about anything, and he didn't want to be disturbed.

"Dad is busy, take a break, brother will accompany you to read the picture album, okay?"

"Okay." Xiao Zai Zai nodded, shrank down the chair like Miao Miao, and climbed upstairs by himself.

But instead of going back to the bedroom, she went to the study.

Through the door, there seemed to be voices inside, the voice was muffled and could not be heard clearly.

Yu Yuanyuan stretched out her little finger to poke the big gap, tilted her head to listen to the movement inside, and wanted to find a chance to talk to Baba.

"You'll take him to the sea later, and if you dare to betray, you have to pay the price and make him disappear." Yu Jinxiao's voice was so fierce that Yu Yuanyuan had never heard before.

Seaside, disappear! ! !
With those two simple words, like a sudden click of a key switch for Xiao Zai Zai, she immediately thought of the terrible dream she had last night.

Dad seemed to take an uncle to the beach and throw it into the sea.

Later, the uncle survived and came back to hurt Dad.

Yu Yuanyuan was terrified just thinking of the scary picture in the dream.

All of this is because Dad did something bad, and that uncle will come back to take revenge!
Isn't that how it's played on TV?
When she was in the orphanage before, Yu Yuanyuan secretly watched the TV series watched by the teachers outside the door. After the villains in it did bad things, they didn't end well.

Woohoo, she doesn't want her father to get hurt! ! !
Just as Yu Yuanyuan was about to reach out to push the door open, suddenly the face of his father who was fierce and did not listen to her opinion appeared in front of his eyes.

She can't talk about the things in the dream, and father won't listen to her...

so what should I do now?
"Aunt Chen, is Mr. Yu upstairs?" The voice on the stairs turned from far to near, and it was Gao Zhou who came.

The little cat, who usually walks like a penguin, drifted on the floor, and instantly hid behind the floor-standing vase next to it.

"Dong dong dong." There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Dad's voice was very angry, impatient to the extreme.

Gao Zhou got permission, and immediately closed the door after entering.

Yu Yuanyuan only heard the last sentence: Are you ready?Let's go now.

Dad and Gao Susu are leaving! ! !

Yu Yuanyuan, who was desperately using her little brain, ran down instinctively. Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze returned to the room, and the servants were also cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen. No one noticed a small round figure running out of the door.

Gao Zhou's car parked at the door has not turned off the engine. He is here to pick up Mr. Yu and will leave at any time.

Xiao Zai Zai, who walked around to the back of the car, bit his finger and recalled Gao Susu's action of opening the trunk, and reached out and pressed the black dot on the same position.

The trunk is open!
The proud Zai Zai crawled into the trunk with a nasty smile on his face, pulled it hard for a long time, and finally closed the trunk.

In less than a minute, the voices of Gao Zhou and Yu Jinxiao got closer, the car started to shake, and drove to an unknown destination.

The inside of the trunk was pitch black, and the five claws could not be seen.

She's not really afraid of the dark, it's just... the car shakes and shakes, it feels good for sleeping.

I don't know how long it took, when Yu Yuanyuan was about to fall asleep, the car stopped moving, and there seemed to be the sound of waves outside.

(End of this chapter)

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