The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 727 I won't do this task, close it for me

Chapter 727 I won't do this task, close it for me
He Yitong waited downstairs anxiously, looking in the direction of the stairs several times.

at last!

Two small figures appeared!

Yu Yingze led Yu Yuanyuan by the hand, and the two walked down the stairs slowly, and sat in their seats as before.

Seeing that his son was finally willing to come back to eat with him, He Yitong smiled at him, but Yu Yingze looked embarrassed, and immediately buried his head to get the chopsticks and move the bowl.

The atmosphere of this meal is indescribable.

Let's talk about embarrassment, the whole family sits down to eat together, how can it be described as embarrassment?

Let's talk about harmony and harmony, there was no silence at the dining table, only Yu Zaizai was the "middleman".

Almost everyone relied on talking to Yu Zaizai to stir up the atmosphere, making her extremely busy.

It is necessary to eat a big chicken leg and answer the words of four people.

Shen Ji ate alone in silence. He was so used to this seemingly uncomfortable atmosphere that he was already immune to it.

Yuanyuan was too busy, and there was no need for him to talk to her and occupy her time for eating.

"Ma Ma, recommend some delicious dishes~~"

"Ma Ma, spicy dishes are also delicious~~"

Yuanyuanzai's sincere recommendations kept ringing out at the dinner table.

For her, is there anything unpalatable in this world?

Yu Jinxiao couldn't think of an answer after much deliberation.

Even though it was at his own home, Yu Jinxiao didn't have enough time to pick up some food for He Yitong, he ate in silence the whole time, secretly observing the subtle changes in her expression.

Soon, Yu Jinxiao discovered that Yu Yingze seemed to be eating, but in fact he had been secretly looking at He Yitong from the corner of his eyes.

I haven't seen my mother for about a year.

After the divorce, when they occasionally met in public, Yu Yingze would pretend not to know each other and turn around and leave.

It seems that He Yitong is a switch in his heart, always reminding Yu Yingze of the sadness and heartache of the day she left.

In fact, He Yitong also found out that Er Zai Zai ignored him, but kept looking at him quietly.

There is no malice or disgust in the eyes, but a lot of curiosity.

This curiosity... made her a little confused.

Just when He Yitong was worried about her relationship with Er Zai Zai, the system suddenly went online in her mind, reminding her of a new task.

This new quest will increase her progress bar by one level, which will lead to a new item.

As soon as He Yitong saw the new skills, He Yitong's collection addiction was ready to move.

But after she checked the task, it was as if an atomic bomb had exploded in her mind.

[New task: Tell Yu Yingze "I will never come back again"]

What kind of trouble dog system is this! !
He Yitong scolded the system in his heart, and continued to eat with a blank expression on the surface.

In fact, this sentence exists in the original plot line of the book.

The situation was similar to the present one. She came to Yu's house to talk to Yu Jinxiao because of Yuanyuan's adoption, and a big conflict arose, which also stimulated Yu Yingze and made him say very harsh words.

The sad He Yitong also took advantage of the opportunity to say such a line - "I will never come back again".

He Yitong called the system in his mind: "I don't want to do this task, close it, cancel it, delete it, take it away!!!"

Er Zai Zai was already dissatisfied with her, but he suddenly said such a thing, did he want to completely break the relationship between mother and child? ?
System: "No, oh, but I can tell you in advance that after completing this mission, you will get a 'cancel mission' item."

The premise of canceling the task is to complete this hateful task in order to get the props of "cancelling the task".

If possible, He Yitong really wanted to drag this system out and flatten it.

(End of this chapter)

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