Chapter 729

Yu Jinxiao didn't correct the number of Yu Zai Zai anymore, he was concentrating on looking at the cards in He Yitong's hand.

"You have a prop." Yu Jinxiao stretched out his hand from behind, and his face approached her ear unintentionally, "You can refuse, without paying once."

He grabbed a prop card from her messy cards and held it up for He Yitong to see.

The scorching breath passed by his ears, making He Yitong shudder subconsciously.

"You, you, you..." She stammered, feeling that if she was in her original form, she might be blown up on the spot.

Yu Jinxiao's innocent face: "What's wrong?"

He seemed to be okay, completely unaware of how big an impact his small actions had.

But if he reacted too much, wouldn't he just fall into his trick?
He Yitong cleared his throat, allowing some time for himself to calm down.

She grabbed the prop card that Yu Jinxiao raised and put it back to its original place: "Yuanyuan performed on purpose, and you still want it for free? Shouldn't you pay for the performance?"

After finishing speaking, she found a "1000 yuan" card from the chip card and handed it to Yu Yuanyuan.

Seeing that her mother gave it all, Yu Yingze could only sigh and hand over the cards.

"Hehehe~~Yuanyuan is a big fool~~"

Yu Yingze's face was full of poverty: "He's a millionaire."

Throwing and throwing, He Yitong saw a huge and terrifying grid with "the safe was stolen, and the loss was 10000".

She only has 12000 left in her hand. If she loses 10000 in one breath, she will only have 2000 left, and she may go bankrupt at any time.

It was the first time to play a game with the cubs, He Yitong didn't want to go offline so soon, that would be too lacking in participation.

Just as she held her breath and carefully rolled the dice... Damn it!Why is it exactly 5!

Just go to the "loss 10000" grid.

"Oh." He Yitong was dumbfounded on the spot.

After the 10000 were deducted from the public storage area, He Yitong was left with the last 2000.

With only a little money left, she straightened her body and looked at the map nervously.

What the hell!

In the third frame after the "deduction of 10000", there is actually a backward 4 cells! !

If she really hits that one, she will lose the remaining 2000 if she goes back!
Holding the dice, He Yitong closed her eyes nervously and prayed.

She never thought that playing a game by herself would be more involved than those of the cubs.

Yu Jinxiao saw through He Yitong's nervousness at a glance, grabbed her hand and patted Yu Yuanyuan's head, and then helped her take it back: "Throw it away."

"What are you doing?" He Yitong was confused.

"Borrow your luck."

Yu Mingxi and Shen Ji understood in seconds, and they secretly met eyes from a distance away.

Even my father (Mr. Yu) knows that Yuanyuan is a lucky star! !
He Yitong didn't quite understand Yu Jinxiao's purpose for doing this, but he kept holding on to the dice, which would only make the cubs anxious.

With her palms apart, the two dice rolled a few times and stopped at a number: 2.

knock!As long as it is not 3, there is no need to return the money, which is also very good.

It's just that this grid seems to draw a fate card.

He Yitong randomly drew a fate card from the public area and spread it out: roll a dice for the next round.

He Yitong: Oh shit.

Originally, she thought that if she was one point away from the grid that went back 4 squares, if she threw the two dice together, it would be at least 2 points, and she could avoid it no matter what.

But good guy, she actually drew such a fate card: only one dice can be used for the next round.

In other words, she may also miss 1 and be forced to return to four squares, and deduct the remaining 2000 bankrupt.

(End of this chapter)

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