The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 732 Don't worry about the adults' affairs, children

Chapter 732 Don't worry about the adults' affairs, children

Seeing that her father's eyes were a little confused, Yu Yuanyuan raised her finger to the ceiling: "Hey in the spicy place~"

Yu Jinxiao's heart skipped a beat.

Where is someone?There is clearly air!

Shouldn't it be evil?

In the past, Mr. Yu always said that children are prone to encounter unclean things, but he never saw anything when he was a child.

Could it be that the little glutinous rice balls are so unlucky?

Yu Jinxiao didn't scare Yu Yuanyuan, he pretended to be nonchalant and walked up to her, sitting beside her bed: "What kind of person do you see? Can you describe it?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Zai Zai was stunned by the question.

Xiao Zaizai put his hand back on the quilt, blinked his eyes: "Ah...? What Yuanyuan saw was the word 'person'."

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

One big and one small looked at each other and fell into a dead silence for a few seconds.

Only then did Yu Jinxiao follow Yu Zaizai's line of sight to look over again, and found that the light and shadow of the word "person" spelled out by the lamps and ornaments on the ceiling were projected on the blank space.

Originally, Xiao Zai Zai wanted to show that he knew the word "person".


These words almost didn't send Yu Jinxiao away.

Although he doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, if it's about Xiaotangyuan, his calmness will always be lost.

"Okay, go to sleep." Yu Jinxiao stuffed her back into the quilt, and tucked her in the corner where the wind would leak.

Yu Yuanyuan only showed her head, like a little carrot lying flat.

"Baba, Yuanyuan can't sleep~"

"Close your eyes and fall asleep."

"Yuanyuan has closed her eyes for a long time just now."

Yu Jinxiao stopped and stared at her: "Then what do you want?"

"Hehehe, I want to talk to Baba~"

"say what?"

Xiao Zai Zai laughed happily: "I'm already talking~ hehehe~"

The way she laughed was exactly the same as He Yitong's.

It's really strange, obviously they haven't seen much before, how can they have such a similar side.

"Baba, Yuanyuan thinks mother will come home." Xiao Zaizai tilted her round head and said solemnly.

Yu Jinxiao nodded his little forehead: "Don't worry about adults' affairs, children."

"Huh?" Yu Yuanyuan's small mouth collapsed, and she hummed in disappointment, "Is it because Yuanyuan's performance is not good enough?"


Too many things happened in the past two days, Yu Jinxiao didn't have time to calm down and think about it carefully.

But now, after reviewing the previous details, he found that Yu Yuanyuan had contributed a lot to it!
While at the restaurant, Xiao Zai Zai accidentally ruined Yi Yuzhang and He Yitong's "date".

Downstairs at He Yitong's house, Xiao Zaizai fell down and let him go to her house, leaving behind his watch, successfully angered Yi Yuzhang again.

As for the fire in the restaurant today...

Yu Jinxiao didn't dare to say if it was Xiao Zai Zai's blessing, but it did provide him with another chance to get along with He Yitong.

He hadn't even expected to succeed in getting her home to see the children.

But everything turned out to be much smoother than expected.

It seems that it is not impossible to attribute these to Yu Zaizai.

However, this little glutinous rice ball is not boastful, so she can't make her too proud.

"Your performance is good, but you are very busy and you still have to go to kindergarten," Yu Jinxiao lied... coaxing the children to be serious, "So, let the adults take care of the adults' affairs, you understand?"

"Okay~" Yu Zaizai shrank into the quilt, "If Baba needs Yuanyuan's help, remember to ask Yuanyuan."

Looking for Xiaotangyuan for help?Is he that useless? ?
But Yu Jinxiao didn't block his retreat, he pretended to nod seriously: "Well, you go to sleep."

The little cub who closed his eyes and tried hard to brew, seemed to be going to sleep obediently, Yu Jinxiao slowly exited the room.

But not long after he went out, the phone and watch on the bedside table lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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