The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 74 Sending Uncle to Swimming

Chapter 74 Sending Uncle to Swimming
Yu Jinxiao was taken aback for a moment, and a strange thought popped up in his heart.

Even though it was incredible, he still felt... as if Yu Yuanyuan knew what he was going to do.

Reminiscent of how he stumbled a few minutes ago, Yu Jinxiao always felt that everything seemed too coincidental.

If only naughty...

It's not like she just got into her trunk today and deliberately ran to the beach.

If it weren't for the fact that she was only a three-year-old child, Yu Jinxiao would have doubted whether she was a spy sent by someone.

At first, he was not without doubts, but after a general search on the Internet, he realized that the speculation of the "three-year-old spy" was too outrageous.

It's better to believe that there are gods in this world.

The two subordinates were stunned, and the man kneeling on the ground was also stunned.

Who said just now that the parents of the children should be silenced together?

"Baba, don't do bad things," Xiao Zaizai's eyes were red, his furry head leaned against his face, and his voice was crying, "Yuanyuan doesn't want you to die, Yuanyuan is afraid! Woooooo!"

Not knowing what to think of, Xiao Zai Zai shed tears sadly.

Even if she cried, she didn't dare to cry too loudly, as if she was trying to please her, trying not to be hated as much as possible.

If Dad hated her, he certainly wouldn't listen to her.

This afternoon, Yu Jinxiao just caught a traitor who betrayed the company, stole the company's confidential documents, and wanted to sabotage a [-] billion cooperation project he was fighting for.

The mastermind behind the scenes is not yet known, but as long as the traitor is caught and followed closely, he can always be found out.

But Yu Jinxiao had already given him a chance, and he kept silent, as if he was not afraid of death, he gritted his teeth and refused to say a word.

Since this traitor wants to keep his mouth shut, there's no need to keep it an eyesore.

In particular, the stolen confidential document has not been found.

Yu Jinxiao had his home and office searched, but nothing was found.

Perhaps he has put things in the hands of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Yu Jinxiao accepts fair competition, but if he uses this method of provocation, he will never show any kindness.

What happened tonight...

Yu Jinxiao wanted to sink people into the sea and put on a show of killing chickens and monkeys.

However, it seemed that something had shaken the cruel decision.

Yu Jinxiao tried hard to ignore those clear eyes, but the more he tried to ignore them, the more he couldn't divert his attention away.

The poor little Zai Zai was about to cry with worry, his mouth was pouted in sadness, his lips were shaking into wavy lines.

"...No, Dad just wants to send uncle to...swimming," Yu Jinxiao was doing his best to comfort the troubled patient, "Can you wait for me in the car?"

Oh~~ just swimming!
But Yuanyuan doesn't like water!
It will be uncomfortable to be sticky.

Xiao Zai Zai moved, and after a complicated inner struggle, he signaled that he wanted to go to the ground.

As soon as she put the little milk bag back on the beach, Yu Yuanyuan stepped on the sand and ran to the side of the speedboat, took off the hanging lifebuoy, and ran back with a bang.

The soft little hand held Yu Jinxiao's finger: "That Yuanyuan and Baba will swim together too!"

Wait, this game doesn't mean that game, hey!
"It's dark at sea, Susu will definitely be scared if she goes alone," Xiao Zaizai tried hard to raise Yu Jinxiao's hand, but he is too short, so it doesn't matter whether he lifts it or not, "There are Baba and Yuanyuan Now, Susu don’t have to be afraid!!”

They looked at each other in blank dismay.

and so.

Is this continuing to sink into the sea...or is it not sinking anymore?

Or... let's all swim together?
(End of this chapter)

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