The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 750 Showing off one's "sharp claws"

Chapter 750 Showing off one's "sharp claws"

"It's fun~~Yuanyuan also likes it!" Now Yu Zaizai's "like" has been successfully copied twice.

The twins pushed each other, competing to hand the gift to Yuanyuan.

Zai Zai, who didn't have enough claws, could only put down the big flower first, and ran twice in a row before bringing everything back to the room.

In fact, Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan originally wanted her to put the gift in the yard, so they went out to play for a while before talking.

However, Yuanyuan was worried that it would rain and the presents would be dirty, so she wanted to carry them all upstairs and put them on her desk.

After collecting the presents, Yu Yuanyuan ran back to the yard to play with the twins.

Originally, Mo Yunqing wanted to take her to play elsewhere, but Yu Yuanyuan said that Shen Ji's brother would come to tutor later, so she couldn't leave home too far.

As soon as they heard the words "Brother Shen Ji", the twins looked apprehensive, but they didn't want to make Yu Zaizai feel uncomfortable, so they were forced to agree to play outside the yard.

There is a grass field outside the yard, and a row of short grasses.

The grass was a bit shorter than Yu Yuanyuan, when she stood in front of the grass, the rough grass was rendered cute.

"Yuanyuan, I just heard you say that you had a fight, is it true?" Mo Yunqing finally found a chance to ask clearly.

Speaking of fighting, Yu Yuanyuan became excited again: "Yes!! Yuanyuan fought! And she won!"

Although she knew in her heart that it was wrong to fight, she won the fight. "Win" is a very happy thing, and she can only secretly be happy when the adults are away.

When Mo Yunqing heard this, she didn't show a happy expression for her, but checked her nervously: "Are you injured? Did you fight with your classmates?"

"Yuanyuan is fine, she was fighting with the middle class little brother!"

Hey, they got into fights, and they called him little brother.

Wait, Yuanyuan is in the small class, right? !

That is, she was beating little boys older than her! !

There is an obvious gap in combat power in terms of physical strength.

Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan became more worried: "Are you really not injured? If you feel uncomfortable, you can tell me, I... We will take you to see a doctor."

As soon as he heard "doctor" he automatically thought of "needle injection", Yu Zaizai shook his head desperately, "It's okay, it's okay, Yuanyuan really won, little brother...he's crying!"

What? ?

Not only won the fight, but also made the other party cry? ?

Is the little glutinous milk bun in front of you so powerful in combat?

Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan couldn't believe it, this didn't look like Yuanyuan in their impression!
"How did you fight Yuanyuan?" Mo Yunqing couldn't help but began to be curious about the details.

As soon as he finished asking, Mo Yunlan desperately nodded in agreement, wanting to know the specific way of fighting.

As the two invincible fighters in school, it was hard for them to believe that such a small piece of Yu Yuanyuan could win against the middle class boys who were older than themselves.

"Yuanyuan's claws are very powerful," Yu Yuanyuan said, raising her proud round hand, "Slapping it, scratching my little brother's flesh."


Mo Yunqing vaguely felt that there was an unreliable fighting style in this description, and finally said: "Then Yuanyuan, try to hit me in the same way."

"Huh?" Yu Zaizai was startled, "Why? Yuanyuan won't hit brother Yunqing!"

Brother Yunqing even gave him a gift, how could he beat him.

"It's okay, I just want to see the situation at that time, Yuanyuan, don't be afraid, try to restore the way of attacking... the way of clawing." Mo Yunqing coaxed the little boy for a long time, and Yu Yuanyuan finally agreed.

She didn't want to hurt Mo Yunqing, but she also wanted to show him her "sharp claws".

Under the entanglement, a trace of pride in her desire to show off her "claw" gained the upper hand.

"Then... Brother Yunqing, you have to be careful, Yuanyuan's sharp claws are very powerful! You have to be careful not to get hurt!"

(End of this chapter)

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