The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 758 Another Precognitive Dream! !

Chapter 758 Another Precognitive Dream! !
Although these two figures looked much older than in the impression, Yu Yuanyuan still recognized at a glance that they were Brother Yunqing and Brother Yunlan!
It's just that they seem to have a bad life, their clothes are torn, dirty, and they are in a mess.

In Xiao Zai Zai's impression, they were always handsome and powerful, but when she suddenly saw Brother Yun Qing and Brother Yun Lan like this, she suddenly wanted to cry.

"I said before, the matter of your father has nothing to do with me, and everything that happened after that has nothing to do with me." After Yu Jinxiao finished speaking coldly, he was about to get a phone call and ask someone to drive them out.

Mo Yunlan, who seemed the calmest at first, suddenly seemed to go crazy, pulled out a long and sharp knife from his coat, and rushed towards Yu Jinxiao.

"Anyway, you didn't intend to make us feel better, so let's die together!"

Mo Yunlan quickly jumped onto the table, raised her hand and stabbed Yu Jinxiao's neck with the knife.

"Yunlan, don't!" Mo Yunqing wanted to hold him back, but it was still a step too late.

The figure standing on the table trembled all over, and stopped abruptly after jumping onto the table.

Everything seemed to stand still in an instant, until all the noise subsided...

The scene in front of Yu Zaizai gradually changed.

Gao Susu, who rushed to the door of the office, looked nervous, with her arms raised, as if she had just thrown something.

Following the direction of Gao Susu's hand, Yu Yuanyuan saw a knife stuck in Mo Yunlan's back, and all the blades had been sunk into the back.

Mo Yunlan's body trembled and fell on the table, leaving only Mo Yunqing's heart-piercing shouts.

And dad...

Dad's left cheek was also cut with a long and deep gash, and the blood stained the whole face and the clothes on his chest.

"Wow..." Seeing this terrible scene, Yu Yuanyuan cried miserably, "Brother Yunlan, woooooo, Baba..."

Brother Yunlan seems to have been washed off, and his father was seriously injured, what a miracle!For God's sake, Jiang Zi!
"Yu Jinxiao, I will remember everything you owe our Mo family when I go to hell!" Mo Yunqing gritted his teeth, and suddenly drew the knife on Yunlan's back, aimed it at his heart and stabbed it hard.

"Brother Yunqing!!" Xiao Zaizai cried and wanted to go forward, but she seemed to be stuck in place, no matter how hard she ran, she couldn't get to them.

"Believe it or not, Mo Yanrui's bankruptcy has nothing to do with me."

Xiao Zai Zai was crying, when she was struggling to wake up from the dream, she met Sister Bei's nervous face.

"Miss Yuanyuan, what's the matter? Did you have a nightmare?" Sister Bei patted Yu Yuanyuan's shoulder to comfort her.

She just came to wake her up, but as soon as she stepped into the room, she heard the little body on the bed constantly moving and whimpering sadly, as if she was having a terrible nightmare.

Is it a dream of being chased by wild animals?Fighting with kids?

Sister Bei never imagined that the content of Yu Yuanyuan's dream was ten thousand times more terrifying than wild beasts and fighting!
"Wow," Yu Yuanyuan cried after waking up, "*&%#@¥*&@...%@+-(Brother Yunqing and Brother Yunlan were washed off, and Baba was also injured )!"

Oh, my mouth is stuck!

In other words, this dream is not an ordinary dream, but a prophetic dream! !
Greater shock and fear swept Xiao Zai Zai's body, scaring her into petrification on the spot.

How to do?Will Brother Yunqing and Brother Yunlan have such serious conflicts with Baba in the future?
what is going on!

In the end, Baba seemed to say that he didn't cause "Mo Yanrui" to go bankrupt. Isn't this the father of Brother Yunqing and Brother Yunlan?
"Sister Bei, does bankruptcy mean something?" Yu Zaizai asked curiously.

 At the end of this month, three days will be updated! !Let me see the recommendation tickets of the boys~~~

(End of this chapter)

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