The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 794 Want to Write a Letter to Dad

Chapter 794 Want to Write a Letter to Dad
One day in the kindergarten, Yu Zai Zai seemed to be quieter and more docile than ever.

Chu Qi and the others had already noticed something was wrong, but after asking several times, Yu Yuanyuan always said that it was all right, and she didn't know what she was thinking when she was always alone in a daze.

Waiting, waiting, finally waiting to leave school.

Yu Zaizai, who walked out of school with a small schoolbag on his back, still only saw Gao Zhou.

But today her eyes have a special light that she didn't have before: "Gao Susu~~ When will Baba go home today?"

"Oh, Mr. Yu has something to do today. He may not come back for dinner tonight, but he said he will come back as soon as possible." Gao Zhou seemed to know what she was thinking, and patted Yu Yuanyuan's head, "Mr. Yu told me Miss Yuanyuan has to go to bed early, and can't stay up late waiting for Mr. Yu, you know?"

"I know." Yu Zaizai nodded obediently.

Shen Ji got out of school relatively late, Yu Jinxiao had already arranged for other people to pick up Shen Ji in the afternoon.

Although something is different, it seems to be the same as before.

Shen Ji went to the hospital to change his medicine before returning to Yu's house. Dinner was not ready yet. He heard that Yu Zaizai was obediently doing homework in the study room upstairs.

Pushing the door open and entering, the independent little back reveals a strong cuteness.

In the past, when Shen Ji hadn't arrived, Yu Zaizai would either play with toys in his room, play with Dahua outside, or simply run to play with his friends in the yard.

But today's Yu Zai Zai seems a little different.

"Yuanyuan." Shen Ji called out her name, and only then did Yu Zaizai notice someone standing at the door of the room.

"Brother Shen Ji~~" The crunchy and sweet little milk voice is still as energetic as before, "Yuanyuan is doing homework~~"

"It's amazing, Yuanyuan can do homework by herself," she boasted wildly, as if she was infected with Yu Zaizai's rainbow fart ability, Shen Ji sat beside her and watched together, "What is today's homework?"

"Come out 10 arithmetic problems by yourself, then write the answers on the very edge, and exchange questions with other children tomorrow."

Shen Ji took a look at the question given by Yu Yuanyuan, and suddenly laughed: "Yuanyuan, your question is too difficult, ordinary children will have difficulty answering it."

"Ah," Yu Zaizai was dumbfounded, "Really?"

"Yuanyuan can try to add within 15."

"Okay." Shen Ji actually saw the helplessness of a schoolmaster from Yu Zaizai.

Back then, she was a little milk bag who couldn't even count within ten, but now she can keep the accuracy rate at about 98%.

Yu Zaizai came up with another set of questions, and after writing them for Shen Ji to check, he received the books in his schoolbag.

It was almost time to eat, Shen Ji was about to lead Xiao Zai Zai down, when that little round hand suddenly grabbed him.

"Brother Shen Ji~~ If Baba doesn't come home for dinner, can you teach Yuanyuan how to write letters?"

write a letter?

Who to write to?

Shen Ji was a little surprised, but he didn't ask further, as long as it was Yuanyuan's request, he would agree without hesitation.

"Okay, let's eat first, and we will write together after dinner."

"Thank you brother Shen Ji~~"

Sure enough, Yu Jinxiao didn't go home for dinner, a few children were laughing and laughing at the dining table, and even Shen Ji seemed much more cheerful, and would strike up a chat with everyone.

Going upstairs after dinner, Yu Yuanyuan took out a small pink notebook and opened a clean page.

"Brother Shen Ji~ Yuanyuan wants to write a letter to Baba, but Yuanyuan can't write many words."

"Why do you suddenly want to write to Dad?"

"Because, Yuanyuan may fall asleep later, but Yuanyuan has something to say to him."

Children always have a lot of weird ideas, Shen Ji also took out a piece of paper, ready to make a draft for Yu Zaizai first.

"Yuanyuan can tell her what she wants to write first, and I will write it down, and then I will teach Yuanyuan how to write."

(End of this chapter)

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